• Volume 16,Issue 11,2023 Table of Contents
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    • >Intelligent Ophthalmology
    • Quantitative analysis of optic disc changes in school-age children with ametropia based on artificial intelligence

      2023, 16(11):1727-1733. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.01

      Abstract (270) HTML (0) PDF 2.91 M (579) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To explore changes in the optic disc and peripapillary atrophy (PPA) in school-age children with ametropia using color fundus photography combined with artificial intelligence (AI) technology. METHODS: Based on the retrospective case-controlled study, 226 eyes of 113 children aged aged 6–12y were enrolled from October 2021 to May 2022. According to the results of spherical equivalent (SE), the children were divided into four groups: low myopia group (66 eyes), moderate myopia group (60 eyes), high myopia group (50 eyes) and emmetropia control group (50 eyes). All subjects underwent un-aided visual acuity, dilated pupil optometry, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), intraocular pressure, ocular axis measurement and color fundus photography. RESULTS: The width of PPA, horizontal diameter ratio of PPA to the optic disc and area ratio of PPA to the optic disc were significantly different among the four groups (P<0.05). The width of the nasal and temporal neuroretinal rim, the roundness of the optic disc, the height of PPA, the vertical diameter ratio of PPA to the optic disc, and the average density of PPA in the high myopia group were significantly different compared with the other three groups (P<0.05). There were strong negative correlations between SE and area ratio of PPA to the optic disc (r=-0.812, P<0.001) and strong positive correlation between axial length (AL) and area ratio of PPA to the optic disc (r=0.736, P<0.001). CONCLUSION: In school-age children with high myopia, the nasal and temporal neuroretinal rims are narrowed and even lost, which have high sensitivity. The area ratio of the PPA to the optic disc could be used as an early predictor of myopia progression, which is of great significance for the development prevention and management of myopia.

    • >Basic Research
    • Association analysis of BclI with benign lymphoepithelial lesions of the lacrimal gland and glucocorticoids resistance

      2023, 16(11):1734-1745. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.02

      Abstract (106) HTML (0) PDF 3.81 M (486) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To evaluate the relationship between gene polymorphism (BclI, ER22/23EK, N363S) and the occurrence, progression and sensitivity to glucocorticoid of lacrimal gland benign lymphoepithelial lesion (LGBLEL). METHODS: Clinical peripheral blood samples of 52 LGBLEL patients and 10 normal volunteers were collected for DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction sequencing to analyze single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes. The lacrimal tissues of LGBLEL were surgically removed and made into paraffin sections for subsequent hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Masson staining analysis. The duration of disease and hormone use of LGBLEL patients from diagnosis to surgery were also analyzed. The Meta-analysis follows PRISMA guidelines to conducted a systematic review of human studies investigating the relationship between the NR3C1 BclI polymorphism and glucocorticoids (GCs) sensitivity. RESULTS: There was no association between ER22/23EK or N363S and the occurrence of LGBLEL or GCs sensitivity (P>0.05); BclI GC genotype was closely related to GCs resistance (P=0.03) as is the minor allele C (P=0.0017). The HE staining and Masson staining showed that the GC genotype of BclI remarkably slowed down the disease progression and reduced fibrosis (P<0.05), especially for GCs-dependent patients (P<0.0001). Meta-analysis showed that BclI was not significantly associated with GCs responsiveness. CONCLUSION: The LGBLEL patients who carry the NR3C1 BclI allele C may be more sensitive to GCs and associated with lower fibrosis and slower disease progression. The results may guide the clinical treatment strategy for the LGBLEL patients.

    • In vitro protective effect of recombinant prominin-1 combined with microRNA-29b on N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced excitotoxicity in retinal ganglion cells

      2023, 16(11):1746-1755. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.03

      Abstract (132) HTML (0) PDF 3.34 M (524) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To determine the in vitro protective effect of recombinant prominin-1 (Prominin-1)+microRNA-29b (P1M29) on N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-induced excitotoxicity in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). METHODS: RGC-5 cells were cultured, and NMDA-induced excitotoxicity at the range of 100–800 μmol/L was assessed using the MTT assay. NMDA (800 μmol/L) was selected as the appropriate concentration for preparing the cell model. To evaluate the protective effect of P1M29 on the cell model, Prominin-1 was added at the concentration of 1–6 ng/mL for 48h, and the cell survival was investigated with/without microRNA-29b. After obtaining the appropriate concentration and time of P1M29 at 48h, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was utilized to detect the relative mRNA expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β2. Western blot detection was applied to measure the phosphorylation levels of protein kinase B (AKT) and extracellular regulated protein kinases (ERK) in RGC-5 cells after treatment with Prominin-1. Apoptosis study of the cell model was conducted by flow cytometry for estimating the anti-apoptotic effect of P1M29. Immunofluorescence analysis was used to analyze the expression levels of VEGF and TGF-β2. RESULTS: MTT cytotoxicity assays demonstrated that P1M29 group had significantly higher cell survival rate than Prominin-1 group (P<0.05). Real-time PCR data indicated that the expression levels of VEGF were significantly increased in both Prominin-1 and P1M29 groups compared NMDA and microRNA-29b group (P<0.05), while TGF-β2 were significantly decreased in both microRNA-29b and P1M29 groups compared NMDA and Prominin-1 group (P<0.05). Western blot results showed that both Prominin-1 and P1M29 groups significantly increased the phosphorylation levels of AKT and ERK compared to NMDA and microRNA-29b groups (P<0.05). Flow cytometry analysis revealed that P1M29 could prevent RGC-5 cell apoptosis in the early stage of apoptosis, while immunofluorescence results showed that P1M29 group had higher expression of VEGF and lower expression of TGF-β2 with a stronger green fluorescence than NMDA group. CONCLUSION: Prominin-1 combined with microRNA-29b can provide a suitable therapeutic option for ameliorating NMDA-induced excitotoxicity in RGC-5 cells.

    • Bioinformatics and in vitro study reveal the roles of microRNA-346 in high glucose-induced human retinal pigment epithelial cell damage

      2023, 16(11):1756-1765. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.04

      Abstract (143) HTML (0) PDF 4.01 M (652) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To study microRNAs (miRNAs) and their potential effects in high glucose-induced human retinal pigment epithelial cell damage. METHODS: We screened the GSE52233 miRNA expression dataset for differentially expressed miRNAs (DEMs). The target genes of the top 10 DEMs were predicted using miRWalk 2.0 database, followed by function enrichment and protein-protein interaction analysis. miRNA expression was determined in the human retinal pigment epithelial cell line ARPE-19 treated with high glucose (HG) by quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Cell proliferation was determined using cell counting kit (CCK)-8 assay. Cell cycle, apoptosis, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were determined by flow cytometry. The direct interaction between miRNA and targets was validated using dual-luciferase reporter assay. RESULTS: Thirty-nine DEMs were screened, and we predicted 125 miRNA-mRNA pairs for the top 10 DEMs, including 119 target genes of seven DEMs such as miR-346, which was upregulated in diabetic retinopathy (DR). miR-346 target genes were substantially enriched in the regulation of intracellular transport and retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)-like receptor signaling pathway. Expression of three upregulated and downregulated miRNAs were verified by qRT-PCR in HG-treated ARPE-19 cells. Expression of miR-346 was elevated in HG treated ARPE-19 cells in a dose-dependent manner. HG inhibited cell proliferation and induced apoptosis, which were partly reversed by transfecting an miR-346 inhibitor, which even decreased the ROS levels elevated due to HG. Argonaute 2 (AGO2) was a target of miR-346. CONCLUSION: miR-346 is a key miRNA and plays an important role in HG-induced damage in human retinal pigment epithelial cells.

    • Therapeutic effect of folic acid combined with decitabine on diabetic mice

      2023, 16(11):1766-1772. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.05

      Abstract (125) HTML (0) PDF 3.40 M (648) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of folic acid combined with decitabine on diabetic mice. METHODS: The diabetic model of db/db mice were randomly divided into model group, folic acid group, decitabine group, folic acid combined with decitabine group, and C57 mice as normal control group. The density of retinal blood vessels and retinal thickness were detected by fundus photography and optical coherence tomography, respectively. Pathological changes of retina were observed by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining. The homocysteine (Hcy) in serum was detected by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). TdT-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) was used to detect apoptosis in retinal tissue. Evans blue dye was used to detect the permeability of retinal blood vessels. The platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (CD31) and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) protein were detected by Western blot. The 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) and 4-hydroxynonanine (4-HNE) were detected by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The density of retinal blood vessels, retinal thickness, retinal vascular permeability and the proportion of apoptotic cells of retinal tissue in the model group increased significantly than control group (P<0.05). The Hcy in serum and the levels of CD31, VEGFR, 3-NT, and 4-HNE in retinal tissue increased significantly in the model group (P<0.01). Folic acid and decitabine both reversed these changes significantly, and the combination of the folic acid and decitabine worked best. CONCLUSION: The combination of folic acid and decitabine has a more significant protective effect on the retina in diabetic mice.

    • >Clinical Research
    • Comparison of visual performance with iTrace analyzer following femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery with bilateral implantation of two different trifocal intraocular lenses

      2023, 16(11):1773-1781. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.06

      Abstract (191) HTML (0) PDF 2.04 M (631) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To compare the postoperative binocular visual performance with an iTrace analyzer following femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) combined with bilateral implantation of two different types of diffractive trifocal intraocular lenses (IOL). METHODS: During this retrospective observational study, patients who received bilateral FLACS combined with implantation of two different types of diffractive trifocal IOLs were evaluated. According to the IOLs’ different types and design, the patients were divided into AT LISA tri839MP group (tri839 group) and AcrySof PanOptix TFNT00 group (TFNT group). Study parameters included preoperative and postoperative uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) at 5 m, uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA) at 30 cm and 40 cm, uncorrected intermediate visual acuity (UIVA) at 60 cm and 80 cm, postoperative refractive status, objective visual qualities and total high order aberrations (HOAs) postoperatively. The postoperative complications were also recorded. RESULTS: Totally 56 eyes of 28 patients (tri839 group, n=26; TFNT group, n=30) were included. Preoperative baseline characteristics between groups were not statistically significantly different. UDVA was not significantly different between groups except for 1wk follow-up due to the postoperative corneal edema. TFNT group showed statistically significant better UNIA at 60 cm than tri839 group at the 1wk (0.05±0.19 vs 0.15±0.10 logMAR, P=0.013), 1mo (0.05±0.12 vs 0.15±0.09 logMAR, P=0.001) and 3mo (0.04±0.12 vs 0.15±0.11 logMAR, P=0.001) follow-up, while tri839 group showed statistically significant better UNIA at 80 cm than TFNT group at the 1d (0.14±0.15 vs 0.20±0.14 logMAR, P=0.041) and 1mo (0.09±0.07 vs 0.14±0.10 logMAR, P=0.042) follow-up. Postoperative refractive status showed stable at every visit. Modulated transfer function (MTF) values and strehl ratio (SR) values were improved and HOAs were lower significantly after surgery. CONCLUSION: FLACS with bilateral implantations of both tri839 and TFNT00 can achieve satisfactory natural whole-course vision, high postoperative refractive stability and good visual quality but without significantly difference. iTrace aberration instrument can accurately evaluate the visual quality under different status.

    • Comparison of three fundus inspection methods during phacoemulsification in diabetic white cataract

      2023, 16(11):1782-1788. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.07

      Abstract (113) HTML (0) PDF 4.67 M (599) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To investigate whether Wild Field Imaging System (WFIS SW-8000), 25G endoilluminator, and intraoperative optical coherence tomography (iOCT) can perform real-time screening and diagnosing in patients with suspicious diabetic retinopathy (DR) during phacoemulsification, especially in cases of white cataract. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out. A total of 204 dense diabetic cataractous eyes of 204 patients with suspected DR treated from April 2020 to March 2021 were included. Phacoemulsification combined with intraocular lens implantation was performed. Following the removal of the lens opacity, the 25G endo-illuminator, fundus photography, and iOCT were performed successively. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and/or fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) were used to verify the fundus findings postoperatively. Intraoperative and postoperative results were compared to verify the accuracy of intraoperative diagnosis in each group. RESULTS: Intraoperative and postoperative examinations revealed 58 and 62 eyes with DR, respectively (positive rate, 28.43% and 30.39%, respectively). During the phacoemulsification, WFIS SW-8000 detected 44 eyes with DR (the detection rate, 70.97%); 25G endo-illuminator found 56 eyes with DR (the detection rate, 90.32%); iOCT found 46 eyes with DR (the detection rate, 74.19%); and 58 eyes with DR were found by combining the three methods (the detection rate, 93.55%). There were statistically significant differences in the diagnostic sensitivity for DR among the methods (χ2=16.36, P=0.001). CONCLUSION: WFIS SW-8000, 25G endo-illuminator, iOCT, and especially their combination can be used to inspect the fundus and detect DR intraoperatively; they are helpful for the timely diagnosis and treatment of DR in patients with dense cataract.

    • Pupillary capture following sutureless scleral-fixated intraocular lens in children with Marfan syndrome

      2023, 16(11):1789-1793. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.08

      Abstract (111) HTML (0) PDF 2.16 M (477) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To compare the clinical outcomes between two approaches for sutureless scleral-fixated intraocular lens (SFIOL) in children with Marfan syndrome (MFS). METHODS: The study included 15 children (26 eyes) with lens subluxation due to MFS. These children underwent lensectomy, anterior vitrectomy, and sutureless SFIOL. According to the position of placement of intraocular lens (IOL) haptics, two study groups were reviewed for best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and postoperative complications: group A, 14 eyes with haptics fixated at 2.0 mm from the limbus; group B, 12 eyes with the haptics fixated at 2.5 mm from the limbus. RESULTS: The mean axial length for all patients was 25.66±2.35 mm. Postoperative BCVA in logMAR were significant improved in both groups (0.77±0.32 to 0.17±0.12 in group A, 0.66±0.25 to 0.24±0.12 in group B, both P<0.001) while no significant difference between two groups (P>0.05). Pupillary capture was main postoperative complication, occurring between 3d and 18mo. It occurred in 7 eyes in group A and one eye in group B (P=0.02). CONCLUSION: Sutureless SFIOL is an effective treatment approach for lens subluxation in children with MFS. Pupillary capture is the main postoperative complication. Fixated IOL haptics at 2.5 mm from the limbus can reduce the occurrence of pupillary capture.

    • Transient vacuolar changes of the crystalline lens in patients using a dispersive ophthalmic viscosurgical device

      2023, 16(11):1794-1799. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.09

      Abstract (107) HTML (0) PDF 4.32 M (471) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To report the clinical prognosis and pathological findings of accidental lens vacuolar changes in eyes with intraoperative exposure to a dispersive ophthalmic viscosurgical device (OVD). METHODS: Two patients who developed transient lens vacuolar changes during uneventful persistent pupillary membrane (PPM) removal surgery were presented and followed up. This event was speculated to be associated with an intraoperative dispersive OVD DisCoVisc (hyaluronic acid 1.6%-chondroitin sulfate 4.0%) exposure. Then, to provide the pathological basis for our speculation, another four cataract patients were randomly exposed to different OVDs, and their anterior lens capsules were investigated with transmission electron microscopy (TEM). RESULTS: After months, the subcapsular vacuoles in both PPM cases were gradually disappeared without visual deterioration. For the cataract patients, similar lens changes were observed intraoperatively in those exposed to a dispersive DisCoVisc but not a cohesive OVD IVIZ (sodium hyaluronate gel 1.0%). In addition, marked ultrastructural changes, including chromatin condensation, extensive cytoplasmic vacuoles, and obvious intercellular space between lens epithelial cells in the anterior lens capsules of all eyes exposed to DisCoVisc, were observed by TEM. CONCLUSION: The lens vacuolar changes may be associated with a dispersive OVD exposure. Therefore, it is not preferable to use dispersive OVDs in patients with transparent lenses or without the intention of lens extraction. In addition, close follow-ups instead of immediate lens extraction are recommended for the occurrence of similar lens lesions.

    • Long-term efficacy and safety of YAG laser vitreolysis for vision degrading myodesopsia

      2023, 16(11):1800-1805. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.10

      Abstract (136) HTML (0) PDF 1.96 M (614) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To assess the long-term efficacy and safety of yttrium-aluminum garnet (YAG) laser vitreolysis for vision degrading myodesopsia (VDM) caused by posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). METHODS: This retrospective study reviewed VDM patients of PVD type undergoing YAG laser vitreolysis. The baseline demographic information, the patterns of floaters, the number of floaters, and the subjective improvement of floater sympotoms (ranging from 0 to 100%) from medical records were collected. Significant improvement was defined as a relief of floater symptoms of ≥50% at the final visit. The long-term efficacy and safety of YAG laser vitreolysis were analyzed. The risk factors linked to significant improvement of floater symptoms were defined using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: The final analysis included 221 patients with VDM. The mean age of patients was 61.08±7.74y, and the mean length of follow-up was 21.38±5.61mo. Totally 57.01% of patients experienced a significant improvement in their floater symptoms after YAG laser therapy, and none of them developed delayed retinal abnormalities such as retinal tears or detachments. Age (OR=1.049, 95%CI=1.007-1.092, P=0.021) was identified as a significant risk factor for significant improvement in VDM. CONCLUSION: YAG laser vitreolysis is an effective and secure treatment for PVD-type VDM, and patients of advanced age are more likely to get favorable outcomes.

    • Efficacy and safety of deep sclerectomy with uveoscleral implant plus collagen matrix implant overcoming the superficial scleral flap in glaucoma surgery

      2023, 16(11):1806-1813. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.11

      Abstract (181) HTML (0) PDF 1.29 M (497) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To assess the efficacy and safety of non-penetrating deep sclerectomy (NPDS) with uveoscleral implant plus subconjunctival and intrascleral collagen matrix overcoming the superficial scleral flap lips (modified deep sclerectomy technique, DS) and minimal use of mitomycin C in glaucoma surgery. METHODS: A retrospective review of 47 consecutive glaucoma patients who underwent NPDS with DS between January 2017 and May 2018. Best-corrected visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), post-operative need for glaucoma medications, visual field mean deviation (MD), re-interventions, needling revisions and laser goniopuncture were noted. Absolute success was defined as IOP≤18 mm Hg without topical medication. Relative success was defined as the same criteria but with the addition of any antihypertensive medication. IOP over 18 mm Hg on two consecutive follow-up visits was considered as a failure. RESULTS: Fifty-two eyes of 47 patients were evaluated. Mean preoperative IOP was 25.37±6.47 mm Hg, and decreased to 15.04±4.73 at 12mo and 12.21±4.1 at 24mo (all P<0.0001). Requirement for topical medications dropped from a mean of 3.06±0.25 per patient to 0.51±0.99 and 1.11±1.23 respectively after 12 and 24mo (all P<0.0001). No medications were required in 45.5% of patients after 24mo. Relative and absolute success rate at 24mo were 85.5%±5% and 48.5%±7.4%, respectively. CONCLUSION: DS is a safe and effective non-penetrating glaucoma surgery variation. It aims to retain the patency of all pathways created for aqueous humor drainage: the intrascleral bleb, the supraciliary space and the open communication between intrascleral and subconjunctival compartments.

    • Choroidal thickness measurements in young Saudi adult population: a cross-sectional study

      2023, 16(11):1814-1819. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.12

      Abstract (119) HTML (0) PDF 2.04 M (467) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To determine the choroidal thickness (CT) in young healthy Saudi adults using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) with an automated CT segmentation software. METHODS: Fifty-eight young adults (total of 116 eyes), 39 males and 19 females participated in this study between the ages of 18 and 38y (mean 22.65±3.9y). All participants underwent ophthalmic screening examination, including the SD-OCT for measurements of CT in each quadrant egmented into five eccentric regions starting from the foveal region up to 4.5 mm towards the periphery. RESULTS: The choroid was thickest in the foveal region (central 1 mm, 300±60 µm) and began to progressively thinner beyond the parafovea (1.5–2.5 mm, 284±67 µm) towards the peripheral region (3.5–4.5 mm from the fovea, 254±83 µm). The superior choroid showed the thickest profile (309±57 µm), while the nasal choroid exhibited the thinnest (229±76 µm). The rate of the thinning with increasing eccentricity was more predominant in the nasal choroid, which thinned from the foveal region (294±58 µm) to the peripheral region (158±55 µm). The superior and inferior choroid did not show a statistically significant thinning with eccentricity (all P>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the CT between gender, age, and laterality of the eyes (all P>0.05). A significant association of myopia with thinner subfoveal choroid was observed (Pearson’s, r=0.37), and regression analysis showed that a 10.3 µm choroidal thinning for each diopter increase of myopia. CONCLUSION: CT profile depends on eccentric and the quadrant. The CT profile across the measured area in the young Saudi adult population is comparable to other previous reports. Refractive error is critical for CT evaluation.

    • First contact investigations and compliance to treatment in patients with uveitis

      2023, 16(11):1820-1826. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.13

      Abstract (56) HTML (0) PDF 609.38 K (432) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To ascertain the pattern of investigations at first contact in uveitic patients and evaluate compliance to treatment. METHODS: An observational study comprised of 201 uveitic patients presenting for the first time to our centre from January 2019 to June 2020. Detailed information regarding systemic investigations undertaken by specialists at the time of first contact and the cost of these investigations were reviewed on the first visit to our centre. Compliance with the treatment was determined and reasons behind non-compliance were evaluated on the first follow-up in patients who had no improvement in clinical signs and symptoms. RESULTS: The mean age of the study group was 35.35±14.1y and gender composition was 59.7% males and 40.3% females. Anterior uveitis was observed in 45.3% of patients, intermediate uveitis in 31.8% of patients, posterior uveitis in 14.9% of patients and panuveitis in 8.0% of patients. Association with a systemic disease was evident in 17.9% of patients. When compared with standard guidelines and uveitis patterns, systemic investigations were identified to be relevant only in 38.3% of patients. Non-compliance to treatment was documented in 22.4% of patients. Common reasons for non-compliance were inadequate counselling by the treating physician about treatment in 26.7% of patients and a busy schedule at work/school in 22.2% of patients. CONCLUSION: Significant number of investigations performed at first contact is found to be contrary to standard guidelines and are not contributory to the care. About a quarter of patients in this study are found to be non-compliant with the treatment. Compliance is more challenging to achieve in school-going children and working adults. The availability of comprehensive, periodically updated, evidence-based guidelines on the role of investigations and the use of trained counsellors may help to channelize proper evaluation and improve compliance to treatment, respectively, in patients with uveitis.

    • Retinal pigment epithelium–Bruch’s membrane volume in grading of age-related macular degeneration

      2023, 16(11):1827-1831. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.14

      Abstract (118) HTML (0) PDF 1.78 M (456) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To assess the agreement of optical coherence tomography (OCT) algorithm-based retinal pigment epithelium –Bruch’s membrane complex volume (RBV) with fundus photograph-based age-related macular degeneration (AMD) grading. METHODS: Digital color fundus photographs (CFPs) and spectral domain OCT images were acquired from 96 elderly subjects. CFPs were graded according to Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) classification. OCT image segmentation and RBV data calculation were done with OrionTM software. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to find out whether AMD lesion features associated with higher RBVs. RESULTS: RBV correlated with AMD grading (rs=0.338, P=0.001), the correlation was slightly stronger in early AMD (n=52; rs=0.432, P=0.001). RBV was higher in subjects with early AMD compared with those with no AMD lesions evident in fundus photographs (1.05±0.20 vs 0.96±0.13 mm3, P=0.023). In multivariate analysis higher RBVs were associated significantly with higher total drusen (β=0.388, P=0.027) and pigmentation areas (β=0.319, P=0.020) in fundus photographs, whereas depigmentation area (β=-0.295, P=0.015) associated with lower RBV. CONCLUSION: RBV correlate with AMD grading status, with a stronger association in patients with moderate, non-late AMD grades. This effect is driven mostly by lesions with drusen or pigmentation. Lesions with depigmentation tend to have lower values. RBV is more comprehensive measurement of the key area of AMD pathogenesis, compared to sole drusen volume analysis. RBV measurements are independent on grader variations and offer a possibility to quantify early and middle grade AMD lesions in a research setting, but may not substitute fundus photograph-based grading in the whole range of AMD spectrum.

    • Changes in corneal biomechanics and posterior corneal surface elevation after FS-LASIK

      2023, 16(11):1832-1837. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.15

      Abstract (73) HTML (0) PDF 667.04 K (423) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To investigate the changes in corneal biomechanics and posterior corneal surface elevation after femtosecond laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (FS-LASIK). METHODS: Totally 197 eyes of 100 patients who underwent the FS-LASIK from April 2022 to November 2022 were included. They were divided into three groups according to the ratio of residual corneal stroma thickness/corneal thickness (RCST/CT): Group I (50%≤RCST/CT<55%, 63 eyes of 32 patients), Group II (55%≤RCST/CT<60%, 67 eyes of 34 patients), and Group III (RCST/CT≥60%, 67 eyes of 34 patients). The intraocular pressure (IOP), corneal compensated IOP (IOPcc), corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal resistance factor (CRF) were measured immediately, 1, and 3mo postoperatively by ocular response analyzer (ORA) and the posterior elevation difference (PED) was measured by Pentacam. RESULTS: After operation, IOP, CH, CRF, and PED were statistically different among the three groups (F=12.99, 31.148, 23.998, all P<0.0001). There was no statistically significant difference in IOPcc among the three groups (F=0.603, P>0.05). The IOP, IOPcc, CH, and CRF were statistical changed after surgery (F=699.635, 104.125, 308.474, 640.145, all P<0.0001). The PED of Group I was significantly higher than that of Group II (P<0.05), and Group II was significantly higher than that of Group III (P<0.05). The PED value of 3mo after surgery decreased in each group compared with 1mo after surgery, but there was no statistical difference (Group I: t=0.82, P=0.41; Group II: t=0.17, P=0.87; Group III: t=1.35, P=0.18). The correlation analysis of corneal biomechanical parameter changes with PED at 1mo and 3mo after surgery showed that ΔIOP, ΔIOPcc, ΔCH, and ΔCRF were not correlated with PED value in three groups (P>0.05). CONCLUSION: The smaller the RCST/CT, the greater effect on corneal biomechanics and posterior surface elevation. There is no correlation between changes in corneal biomechanics and posterior corneal surface elevation in the range of RCST/CT≥50%.

    • Effectiveness and the nomogram of small incision lenticule extraction in the correction of myopic anisometropia in adults

      2023, 16(11):1838-1844. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.16

      Abstract (127) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (700) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To evaluate the safety, effectiveness, and predictability of small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) for the treatment of anisometropia, and to explore the personalized design scheme of SMILE in correcting adult myopia anisometropia based on the nomogram. METHODS: It’s a prospective cohort study. Patients with anisometropic myopia of refractive difference ≥ 2.0 diopters (D) who underwent SMILE between September 2020 and March 2021 were enrolled. Clinical features and visual function were assessed preoperatively and at 1wk, 1, 3, and 6mo after the operation. The examination included tests for uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), refractive errors, effectiveness index (preoperative CDVA/postoperative UDVA), safety index (postoperative CDVA/preoperative CDVA), nomogram and stereoscopic function. Paired t-test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test and repeated-measures analyses of variance were used for continuous variables, and Pearson Chi-squared test was used for categorical variables. RESULTS: The study involved 45 consecutive patients (average age: 25.0±6.9y; 82 out of 90 eyes underwent SMILE, while 8 eyes were not operated). The average preoperative spherical equivalent (SE) was -4.74±0.22 D. Six months after surgery, the effectiveness index was 1.05±0.12, and the safety index was 1.09±0.11. Seventy eyes (85.4%) exhibited SE correction error within ±0.5 D. The percentage of eyes with Titmus stereoscopic function equal to or less than 200” significantly increased from 55.6% preoperatively to 88.9% postoperatively (P<0.05). There was statistically significant difference between higher myopia eyes and contralateral eyes in average nomogram value/spherical refraction ratio. CONCLUSION: SMILE is safe, effective and predictable in correcting myopic anisometropia, and it improves stereoscopic visual function of anisometropia patients. The precise and individualized design of the nomogram is a vital element to ensure the balance of both eyes after SMILE.

    • Effectiveness of toric soft contact lenses for vision correction in patients with different degrees of astigmatism: a real-world study

      2023, 16(11):1845-1853. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.17

      Abstract (119) HTML (0) PDF 816.00 K (613) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To assess the visual correction of patients with different degrees of astigmatism with toric soft contact lenses (TSC). METHODS: It was a real-world study with prospective and single-arm design. A total of 384 patients with astigmatism who came for TSC fitting and alignment from November 2022 to January 2023 were included. According to the difference in astigmatism, patients were divided into groups A (cylinder degree: -0.75 to -0.50 D), B (cylinder degree: -1.75 to -1.00 D) and C (cylinder degree ≤ -2.00 D), and followed up on the day of wear, 1wk, 1 and 3mo, mainly to observe visual acuity, refraction, lens fit, visual quality and comfort at 1wk after wear. The visual acuity success rate and the overall success rate of the fitting were evaluation indicators (taking into account the four dimensions of visual acuity, fitting, quality of vision and comfort). The visual acuity success rate was calculated by taking “corrected visual acuity with contact lenses is no less than 1 line or better than best spectacle-corrected visual acuity” (i.e. corrected visual acuity with contact lenses is 1 line below, equal to, one line above or more than best spectacle-corrected visual acuity) as the criterion for visual success, and the the overall success rate of the fitting was calculated by using the comprehensive indicators (visual acuity, fit, visual quality, comfort) to meet certain conditions as the judgment criteria for successful fitting. RESULTS: After 1wk of wearing TSC, the visual acuity success rates of patients were 100% (207/207), 98.58% (139/141) and 97.22% (35/36) in the three groups, respectively, with residual cylinder closed to 0. The acceptability of the lens fitting was over 95%; the incidence of adverse visual symptoms was within 10% and the comfort acceptability was over 97%. The overall success rate of fitting for patients with high, medium and low astigmatism was 93.72% (194/207), 90.78% (128/141) and 88.89% (32/36), respectively. CONCLUSION: TSC (model: G&G POP·CT) are effective in correcting astigmatism in patients with different degrees of astigmatism.

    • Analysis of independent risk factors for acute acquired comitant esotropia

      2023, 16(11):1854-1859. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.18

      Abstract (136) HTML (0) PDF 615.91 K (630) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To explore the risk factors for acute acquired comitant esotropia (AACE). METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted by analyzing 83 patients (case group) with AACE who underwent strabismus correction surgery from January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Totally 73 outpatient volunteers were recruited during the same period as the normal control group. The case group’s binocular vision time, near and distance esotropia angle, and near stereo vision function were recorded, and the age, gender, refractive status, and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of both groups were analyzed. Additionally, multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted using an eye usage condition questionnaire to determine the independent risk factors for AACE. RESULTS: In the case group, 61 patients (73.49%) had myopia, with a mean equivalent spherical power (SE) of -3.35±3.31 D (range: +2.75 to -10.62 D) of the right eye and -2.87±3.35 D (range: +2.75 to -11.12 D) of the left eye. The average duration of diplopia in the case group was 29.83±35.72mo, of which 80 patients (96.39%) were primarily with distance diplopia. The near and distance esotropia angle after wearing glasses were 52.36±20.95 prism degree (PD) and 56.71±19.54 PD, respectively, and there was no statistically significant difference between the two (t=1.38, P=0.169). The incidence of improper glasses wearing and unhealthy eye habits in the case group was significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05). Close-up work without glasses [β=2.30, odds ratio (OR)=10, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.35-42.51, P=0.002] and near work in supine position (β=1.80, OR=6.02, 95%CI 3.29-11.02, P<0.001) were independent risk factors for AACE. CONCLUSION: Patients with AACE mainly present with distance diplopia, and there is a high degree of variation in myopia. Near work without wearing glasses and in supine position are independent risk factors for AACE.

    • Retinal thickness and fundus blood flow density changes in chest pain subjects with dyslipidemia

      2023, 16(11):1860-1866. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.19

      Abstract (125) HTML (0) PDF 638.02 K (468) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To assess the retinal thickness and fundus blood flow density changes in chest pain patients with dyslipidemia using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA). METHODS: All subjects with chest pain as the main symptom accepted a comprehensive ophthalmological examination. According to the serum lipid levels, the participants were divided into the control group and the dyslipidemia group. The retina thickness and fundus blood flow density were determined using OCTA. RESULTS: The study enrolled 87 left eyes from 87 adults with dyslipidemia and 87 left eyes from age- and sex-matched participants without dyslipidemia. The retina of dyslipidemia subjects was significantly thinner than that of the controls in the inferior (P=0.004 and P=0.014, respectively) and temporal (P=0.015 and P=0.019, respectively) regions, both inner and outer layers. In terms of blood flow density in the macula or optic disk, there was a decreasing trend in the dyslipidemia group compared with the control group, especially in the inferior and temporal regions. CONCLUSION: Dyslipidemia may contribute to the decrease in retinal thickness and fundus blood flow density. Further validation of the association between abnormal lipid metabolism and fundus microcirculation alterations needs to be carried out in chest pain patients.

    • Development of a new 17-item Asthenopia Survey Questionnaire using Rasch analysis

      2023, 16(11):1867-1875. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.20

      Abstract (168) HTML (0) PDF 1.14 M (627) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To develop the 17-item Asthenopia Survey Questionnaire (ASQ)-17 by Rasch analysis, and to generate a predictiveness score. METHODS: Totally 739 participants were recruited and 680 were involved in the result analysis in this prospective, cross-sectional study. Three rounds of Rasch analysis were used to analyze the psychometric characteristics of items and options. RESULTS: Phase 1 assessed the original ASQ-19, adjusted the item scoring mode to a four-point Likert response rating scale and combined the 18th and 19th items into a new item. Phase 2 deleted the 11th item. Phases 3 and 4 assessed the new ASQ-17. All the evaluation indexes of ASQ-17 were acceptable. The Infit and Outfit MnSq values of items were 0.67-1.48, the variance explained by the principal component and the unexplained variance explained by the first contrast were 53.90%-59.40% and 1.50-1.80 in three dimensions. The curve peaks of scores in each dimension were separated and in the same order. The PSR and PSI values were 2.80 and 0.89, respectively. The mean scores of dimensions A (9.5±4.1 vs 3.5±3.2), B (7.3±3.3 vs 2.5±2.7), C (4.3±2.2 vs 1.4±2.0) and total (21.1±8.1 vs 7.4±7.0) in asthenopia participants were significantly higher than those without asthenopia (all P<0.001). The area under the curve in two groups was 0.899 (P<0.001). Youden’s index was up to the maximum value of 0.784 when the cut-off value was 12.5. CONCLUSION: ASQ-17 has stronger option sorting and suitability than ASQ-19. It is an effective assessment tool for asthenopia with an optimal cut-off threshold value of 12.5, which is suitable for diagnosis and curative effect evaluation.

    • >Investigation
    • Axial length and anterior chamber indices in elderly population: Tehran Geriatric Eye Study

      2023, 16(11):1876-1882. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.21

      Abstract (89) HTML (0) PDF 664.68 K (490) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To determine the normative distribution of axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD), anterior chamber volume (ACV), anterior chamber angle (ACA), and some of their associated factors in subjects aged 60 and over. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 160 clusters were sampled using multi-stage cluster sampling in Tehran, Iran. After a preliminary interview, the participants underwent optometric examinations including visual acuity and refraction measurement followed by slit lamp biomicroscopy. Finally, ocular imaging was done using the Pentacam AXL to measure AL, ACD, ACV, and ACA. RESULTS: A total of 4519 eyes of 2436 participants were evaluated, of whom 58.0% (n=1412) were female. The mean age of the subjects was 67.32±6.05y (range: 60-95y). The mean AL, ACD, ACV, and ACA was 23.22 mm (23.18-23.27 mm), 2.61 mm (2.59-2.62 mm), 126.56 mm3 (125.08-128.04 mm3), and 30.61° (30.3°-30.92°), respectively. In the multivariable model, after adjusting for the effect of both eyes, the longest and shortest AL was seen in myopic and hyperopic subjects, respectively. AL, ACD, ACV and ACA were significantly larger in men compared to women (P<0.001). Except ACA, other evaluated parameters showed an inverse correlation with age (P<0.001), however, this correlation was insignificant for AL (P=0.623). CONCLUSION: Normative value of AL, and other biometric parameters are specific for each ethnicity, age and sex group. Any alteration in these parameters and their effect on refraction should be considered in this age group, especially in case of cataract surgery.

    • >Review Article
    • Role of lymphotoxin alpha as a new molecular biomarker in revolutionizing tear diagnostic testing for dry eye disease

      2023, 16(11):1883-1889. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.22

      Abstract (145) HTML (0) PDF 503.14 K (620) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Dry eye disease (DED), primarily classified as multifactorial ocular surface disorder, afflicts tens of millions of individuals worldwide, adversely impacting their quality of life. Extensive research has been conducted on tear film analysis over the past decades, offering a range of tests to evaluate its volume, health, and integrity. Yet, early diagnosis and effective treatment for DED continue to pose significant challenges in clinical settings. Nevertheless, by recognizing key phenomena in DED such as ocular surface inflammation, hyperosmolarity, and tear film instability, this article provides a comprehensive overview of both traditional and recently developed methods for diagnosing and monitoring DED. The information serves as a valuable resource not only for clinical diagnosis but also for further research into DED.

    • Research progress on animal models of corneal epithelial-stromal injury

      2023, 16(11):1890-1898. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.23

      Abstract (158) HTML (0) PDF 535.43 K (639) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A corneal epithelial-stromal defect is recognized as a major contributor to corneal scarring. Given the rising prevalence of blindness caused by corneal scarring, increasing attention has been focused on corneal epithelial-stromal defects. Currently, the etiology and pathogenesis of these defects remain inadequately understood, necessitating further investigation through experimental research. Various modeling methods exist both domestically and internationally, each with distinct adaptive conditions, advantages, and disadvantages. This review primarily aims to summarize the techniques used to establish optimal animal models of corneal epithelial-stromal injury, including mechanical modeling, chemical alkali burns, post-refractive surgery infections, and genetic engineering. The intention is to provide valuable insights for studying the mechanisms underlying corneal epithelial-stromal injury and the development of corresponding therapeutic interventions.

    • Therapeutic potential of iron chelators in retinal vascular diseases

      2023, 16(11):1899-1910. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.11.24

      Abstract (142) HTML (0) PDF 1.94 M (667) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Iron is one of the necessary metal elements in the human body. There are numerous factors that control the balance of iron metabolism, and its storage and transportation mechanisms are intricate. As one of the most energy-intensive tissues in the body, the retina is susceptible to iron imbalance. The occurrence of iron overload in the retina leads to the generation of a significant quantity of reactive oxygen species. This will aggravate local oxidative stress and inflammatory reactions and even lead to ferroptosis, eventually resulting in retinal dysfunction. The blood-retina-retinal barrier is eventually harmed by oxidative stress and elevated inflammation, which are characteristics of retinal vascular disorders. The pathophysiology of retinal vascular disorders may be significantly influenced by iron. Recently, iron-chelating agents have been found to have antioxidative and anti-inflammatory actions in addition to iron chelating. Therefore, iron neutralization is considered to be a new and potentially useful therapeutic strategy. This article reviews the iron overload in retinal vascular diseases and discusses the therapeutic potential of iron-chelating agents.

Editors-in-Chief: Yan-Nian Hui and Peter Wiedemann

Established in April, 2008

ISSN 2222-3959 print

ISSN 2227-4898 online

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