Neuroprotective effects of erigeron breviscapus (vant.) hand-mazzon glaucoma—a multi-center clinicaltrial
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NeuroProtective effectsof erigeron breviscaPus (vant.) hand-mazzon glaucoma—A multi-center clinicaltrial. Int JoPhthalmol

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    to evaluatethe neuroProtective effectsof a Chinese herbal drug, erigeron breviscaPus (vant.) hand-mazz (EBHM),on glaucoma Patients with controlled intraocular Pressure (IOP) after surgical and/or medicaltheraPies. ·METHODS: Atotalof 99 Primary glaucoma Patients (113 eyes) with medicallyor surgically controlled IOP were givenorally either EBHMor Placebo for 6 months andthen evaluated in a multi-center, ProsPective, randomized and double masked clinicaltrial by quantifyingthe visual field changes using visual field defect scoring (VFDS). ·RESULTS: After 2, 4, 6 monthsoftreatment,the VFDS in EBHM GrouP (66 eyes/55 Patients) decreased by 0.44±1.60, 1.27±2.16 and 1.42±2.37 resPectively, indicating atime- dePendent imProvementof visual field uPon EBHMtreatment, whereasthe VFDS in Placebo Control GrouP (47 eyes/47 Patients) decreased by -0.02±1.5, 0.68±1.73 and 0.40±1.57 resPectively. Statistically,the differencesof VFDS betweenthetwo grouPs were significant (P <0.05) at 2 and 4 months, and highly significant at 6 monthsoftreatment (P = 0.007).the average IOP in both grouPs was 15mmHg (range 8-18mmHg) duringthe Periodofthe study (P >0.05). No serious side effects were rePorted in glaucoma Patientson EBHM. ·CONCLUSION: EBHM aPPearedto be safe and effective in neuroProtection for Patients with glaucoma. More studies are neededto determinethe safety and effectivenessof longer-term EBHMtreatment.

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Ning-Li Wang, Xing-Huai Sun, Jing-Zhen Li, et al. Neuroprotective effects of erigeron breviscapus (vant.) hand-mazzon glaucoma—a multi-center clinicaltrial. Int J Ophthalmol, 2008,1(3):247-252

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  • Received:June 27,2008
  • Revised:July 12,2008
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