Quantitative researchon effectsof pyrrolidine dithiocarba mateonthe aqueous flare in a pvr model with lfcM
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Quantitative researchon effectsof Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamateonthe aqueous flare in a PVR model with LFCM. Int JoPhthalmol

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    to studythe inhibitory effectof Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC)onthe inflammatory reaction in an exPerimental Proliferative vitreoretinoPathy (PVR) model with laser flare cell meter (LFCM). ·METHODS: Atotalof 20 Pigmented rabbits were divided intotwo grouPs randomly, with 10 rabbits in each grouP. Afterthe creationof retinal holes, 0.1mL PDTC was injected intravitreally intothe right eyesof GrouP 1(A1) andthe left eyesof GrouP 1(A2), and 0.1mL balanced saline solution (BSS) intothe right eyesof GrouP 2(B1).one hour later, 0.1mL BSS was injected intothe eyesof A1, and 5000U IL-1β in 0.1mL BSS was injected intravreally intothe eyesof A2 and B1. Clinical evaluation and LFCM examination were Performed before retinal injury (P0) and at 4, 24 hours, 1, 2 and 4 weeks afterthe second injection (P4h, P24h, P1wk, P2wk and P4wk). HistoPathologic and immunohistochemical examination were also Performed atthesetime Points. ·RESULTS: PDTC could inhibitthe inflammatory reactionobviously from P24hto P2wk.the eyesof A1 and A2 recovered earlierthanthoseof B1. Although inflammatory reaction inthe 3 grouPs resolved comPletely bythe endof P2wk measured withthe slit-lamP microscoPe,the eyesof B1 still showedobvious aqueous flare judged bythe LFCM comPared withthoseof A1 and A2. HistoPathologic and immunohistochemical examination showedthat nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) was activated by IL-1β andthe PDTC had inhibitory effecton it withoutobvioustoxicityto retina. ·CONCLUSION: Inflammatory reaction is involved inthe rabbit modelof PVR induced by injecting intravitreally IL-1β andthe PDTC can relieve it significantly.the LFCM Provides a new, sensitive,objective and non-invasive methodto quantifythe inflammatory reaction inthe PVR model.

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Jian Jiao, Wu Liu, Bin Mo, et al. Quantitative researchon effectsof pyrrolidine dithiocarba mateonthe aqueous flare in a pvr model with lfcM. Int J Ophthalmol, 2008,1(3):219-225

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  • Received:July 18,2008
  • Revised:August 12,2008
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