目的:比较iCare IC100眼压计与Goldmann压平眼压计(GAT)、非接触式眼压计(NCT)眼压测量值的相关性和差异,评估iCare IC100眼压计测量眼压的可重复性和准确性,并比较三种眼压计眼压测量值与中央角膜厚度(CCT)的相关性。
方法:前瞻性研究。随机选取2019-03/05在东北大学附属辽宁爱尔眼科医院眼科门诊就诊的患者90例90眼作为研究对象。使用iCare IC100、NCT和GAT对所有患者进行眼压测量。采用组内相关系数(ICC)分析检查者使用眼压计连续测量3次眼压值的可重复性,采用单因素方差分析、Pearson线性相关分析和Bland-Altman分析比较iCare IC100、GAT和NCT测量值的相关性和一致性,采用线性回归法分析三种眼压计测量值与CCT的相关性。
结果:iCare IC100、GAT和NCT测量的眼压均值分别为19.74±6.90、19.88±7.07和18.47±6.31 mmHg(F=1.180,P=0.309)。iCare IC100与GAT、iCare IC100与NCT和GAT与NCT测量结果均呈正相关(r=0.930、0.946、0.918,均P<0.05)。Bland-Altman分析显示iCare IC100与GAT、iCare IC100与NCT、GAT与NCT的平均差异分别为-0.142±2.61、1.27±2.24、1.41±2.81 mmHg,分别有97%(87/90)、96%(86/90)和97%(87/90)的眼压差值分布在95%的置信区间内。iCare IC100眼压测量值与CCT、GAT眼压测量值与CCT、NCT眼压测量值与CCT均呈正相关(r=0.426、0.353、0.451,均P<0.01)。经线性回归法分析,iCare IC100、GAT和NCT测量值与CCT之间直线回归方程分别为:iCare IC100眼压值=-19.62+0.074×CCT; GAT眼压值=-13.54+0.063×CCT; NCT眼压值=-19.65+0.072×CCT; 即CCT每增加10 μm,iCare IC100测量值增加0.74 mmHg,GAT测量值增加0.63 mmHg,NCT测量值增加0.72 mmHg。
结论:iCare IC100眼压计测量眼压具有良好的可重复性和准确性,CCT对iCare IC100测量值的影响较其对GAT和NCT测量值的影响大。
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AIM: To evaluate the repeatability and accuracy of iCare IC100 tonometer in measuring intraocular pressure(IOP)by comparing the correlation and difference with Goldmann applanation tonometry(GAT)and non-contact tonometer(NCT), and to compare the correlation of the three types of IOP measurement with the central corneal thickness(CCT).
METHODS: Prospective study. A total of 90 outpatients(90 eyes)in Liaoning Aier Eye Hospital from March 2019 to May 2019 were randomly selected as study subjects. All patients were measured IOP using iCare IC100, NCT, and GAT. The interclass correlation coefficient(ICC)was used to evaluate the repeatability of IOP measured 3 times consecutively using an intraocular tonometer. The correlation and consistency of iCare IC100, GAT and NCT were compared by one-way ANOVA, Pearson linear correlation analysis and Bland-Altman analysis. The linear regression analysis was used to analyze the correlation of the three tonometers with CCT.
RESULTS: The mean IOP measured with iCare IC100, GAT and NCT was 19.74±6.90, 19.88±7.07 and 18.47±6.31 mmHg, respectively(F=1.180, P=0.309). The measurements of iCare IC100 with GAT, iCare IC100 with NCT and GAT with NCT were all positively correlated(r=0.930, 0.946, 0.918, all P<0.05), the Bland-Altman analysis showed that the mean differences between iCare IC100 and GAT, iCare IC100 and NCT, GAT and NCT were -0.142±2.61, 1.27±2.24, and 1.41±2.81 mmHg, respectively, with 97%(87/90), 96%(86/90), and 97%(87/90)IOP differences distributed within their 95% confidence intervals. The IOP measured with iCare IC100 and CCT, GAT and CCT and NCT and CCT were all positively correlated(r=0.426, 0.353, 0.451, all P<0.01). The linear regression equations between iCare IC100, GAT and NCT measurement and CCT were iCare IC100 IOP=-19.62+0.074×CCT; GAT IOP=-13.54+0.063×CCT; NCT IOP=-19.65+0.072×CCT; that is, for every 10 μm increase in CCT, iCare IC100 measurement increased by 0.74 mmHg, GAT measurement increased by 0.63 mmHg, and NCT measurement increased by 0.72 mmHg.
CONCLUSION: The iCare IC100 tonometer has good repeatability and accuracy in measuring IOP, and the CCT has a greater impact on the measurement of iCare IC100 than the GAT and NCT.