方法:中国白内障相关疾病负担数据来源于大型公共数据库—2019年全球疾病负担研究(GBD 2019)。利用GBD 2019的公开数据,提取中国白内障疾病负担的有关信息。根据GBD 2019的研究结果,对中国白内障患病率和伤残调整寿命年(DALYs)进行分析。同时,进一步探讨中国及其邻国年龄标准化患病率(ASPR)和年龄标准化伤残调整寿命年(ASDR)的变量特征。
结果:1990年至2019年间,我国因白内障致盲和视力丧失患病人数增加223.54%,相应DALYs增加了142.14%。与男性群体相比,女性在过去30年中表现出更高的ASPR和DALYs。同时,65岁至84岁年龄段的人群比其他人更容易患白内障。与周边国家相比,中国ASPR排名从1990年的第9位867.09(95%UI:761.36-975.42)/10万,上升到2019年的第11位991.56(95%UI:861.52-1 131.04)/10万; 同时ASDR从1990年的第9位65.85(95%UI:46.39-89.41)/10万,上升到2019年的第10位59.16(95%UI:41.70-80.15)/10万。然而,从全球范围来看,2019年中国白内障ASDR和ASPR仍保持较低水平。
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AIM:To assess the evolving burden of cataracts in China from 1990 to 2019.
METHODS: Data on disease burden related to cataracts in China were retrieved from the Global Burden of Disease(GBD)2019 study based on large public databases. Utilizing data from the GBD 2019 study, we extracted information on cataract-related disease burden in China from extensive public databases. Analysis of prevalence and disability-adjusted life years(DALYs)associated with cataracts in China was conducted based on GBD 2019 findings. The variable characteristics of age-standardized prevalence rates(ASPR)and age-standardized DALYs rates(ASDR)in China and its neighboring countries were also explored.
RESULTS: Between 1990 and 2019, the number of prevalent cases of blindness and vision loss caused by cataracts in China increased by 223.54%, and the corresponding DALYs raised by 142.14%. Over the past 30 years, females exhibited higher age-standardized prevalence and DALYs rates compared to males. Meanwhile, individuals aged 65 to 84 years were found to be more susceptible to cataracts than other age groups. Compared with neighboring countries, China ranked from the 9th position in 1990(867.09, 95%UI: 761.36 to 975.42, per 100 000 population)to the 11th in 2019(991.56, 95%UI: 861.52 to 1131.04, per 100 000 population)in ASPR, while from the 9th in 1990(65.85, 95%UI: 46.39 to 89.41, per 100 000 population)to the 10th position in 2019(59.16, 95%UI: 41.70 to 80.15, per 100 000 population)in ASDR. However, on a global scale, China maintained relatively low ASDR and ASPR for cataracts in 2019.
CONCLUSION: The study highlights a substantial rise in the prevalence and DALYs associated with blindness and vision loss due to cataracts from 1990 to 2019 in China, and underscores the urgent need for increased early screening of cataracts, particularly among the elderly and females.
浙江省中医药科技计划项目(No.2024ZR029); 温州市科技局基础性公益科研项目(No.Y2023210)