干燥综合征(Sjö;gren's syndrome,SS)是一种发病率仅次于类风湿性关节炎的复杂结缔组织病。对该病的最早记录始于19世纪末的个案报道,1930年Sjö;gren首次提出干燥性角结膜炎,初步认识SS是一类系统性疾病。而后,特异性自身抗体的发现及唇腺活检技术的临床应用,使SS的诊断准确性明显提高。随着对该疾病的深入认识,不同学者提出了不同的分类标准,以求进一步提高诊断准确性。由于病理机制仍不清楚,至今没有一个分类标准可以作为诊断标准使用,目前SS仍然需要眼科、风湿免疫科和口腔科的综合诊断。深入研究发病机制和发展新型检查有望提高SS的诊断准确性。本文旨在回顾SS分类标准的变化及眼科诊断方法新进展,以期对疾病的诊断提供帮助。
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Sjögren's syndrome(SS)is a complex connective tissue disease, with an incidence only secondary to rheumatoid arthritis. The initial record was case reports in the late 19th century. In 1930, Henrik Sjögren proposed the conception of “Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca”for the first time, and preliminarily realized that SS was a systemic disease. Subsequently, the discovery of specific autoantibodies and the application of labial biopsy technique significantly improved the accuracy for SS diagnosis. As the understanding the disease improving, different classification criteria were proposed to improve the diagnostic accuracy. However, there still no classification criteria that can be applied as diagnostic criteria so far due to uncovered pathological mechanism of the disease. Currently, comprehensive managements are required with the cooperation of rheumatology, ophthalmology, and stomatology department. Further exploration of the pathogenesis and development of new diagnostic tools are expected to improve the diagnosis of SS. The paper aims to review the development of the classification criteria and to propose new ophthalmic examinations in order to improve the diagnosis of SS.