方法:于2017-10/2018-05采用横断面分层整群随机抽样抽取成都市和绵阳市6~18岁在校学生4 071名,进行眼部检查和相关问卷调查。
结果:本研究实际受检学生3 857名(94.74%),平均年龄11.86±3.43岁,近视和高度近视患病率分别为61.21%和3.89%; 6岁和18岁受检者中近视发病率分别为12.05%和86.15%。裸眼视力和日常生活视力较好眼视力≤4.7者分别占42.88%和12.37%; 戴镜率为48.07%。多因素Logistic回归分析结果表明,户外活动是近视的保护因素,而年龄、父母近视、近距离用眼、使用电子设备是近视的危险因素。
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AIM: To investigate on myopia and related influencing factors between adolescents aged 6-18 years in Chengdu and Mianyang Area of Sichuan Province.
METHODS: This cross-sectional stratified sampling study collected 4 071 students aged 6-18 years from October 2017 to May 2018 in Chengdu and Mianyang City of Sichuan Province. All students underwent ocular examination and performed questionnaire survey.
RESULTS: Totally 3 857(94.74%)students were participated in this study with a mean age of 11.86±3.43 years. The prevalence rate of myopia and high myopia students were 61.21% and 3.89%, respectively. The prevalence rate of myopia students were 12.05% in the 6-year-old group and 86.15% in the 18-year-old group. Prevalence rates of students with uncorrected and presenting VA≤4.7 in the better eye were 42.88%, 12.37%, respectively. Among all students, 48.07% were wearing glasses. In multivariate Logistic regression analysis, age, parental myopia, near work, using electronic equipment were the risk factors for myopia, outdoor activities was protective factors.
CONCLUSION: The main reason for the low vision of school children in Chengdu and Mianyang Area in China is myopia. Prevalence rate of myopia students is gradually increasing with the growing of age. Myopia was associated with age, parental myopia, near wok, using electronic equipment and outdoor activities.
四川省科技厅课题(No.2017JY0027, 19ZDYF0883)