眼减压性视网膜病变(ocular decompression retinopathy,ODR)是一种由眼压降低引起的眼底多灶性出血性视网膜病变,且无法用其他机制解释。临床上多见于青光眼术后,也可发生在造成眼压下降的其他眼科手术。多数患者无明显症状,容易漏诊。本文综述了国内外ODR的研究进展,从危险因素、发病机制、临床表现、影像表现、鉴别诊断以及治疗与预防来论述。
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Ocular decompression retinopathy(ODR)is defined as multiple hemorrhagic retinopathy following abrupt lowering of intraocular pressure(IOP)that is not explained by another process. It is frequently associated with glaucoma surgeries, but also occurs in conjunction with other ocular surgical or medical procedures. Most patients are asymptomatic, so it may be difficult to detect clinically. We review the recent articles to better understand the risk factors, pathogenesis, clinical characteristics, imaging, differential diagnoses, management and prognosis of ODR.