结果:患者术后1、7、14d眼部不适感较术前加重,OSDI评分高于术前(P<0.001),术后1、3mo眼部不适感较术后1、7、14d明显缓解,OSDI评分与术前无明显差异(P>0.05); 术后1d角膜荧光素染色点明显增多(P=0.008),术后7、14d,1、3mo角膜荧光色染色与术前无差异(P>0.05); 术后1、7、14d时SⅠt值明显增高(P<0.001),术后1、3mo时SⅠt值与术前无差异(P>0.05); 术后1d结膜杯状细胞个数较术前下降(P<0.001),余各时间点结膜杯状细胞数无明显差异,而术后BUT、TFT值与术前无差异(P>0.05)。
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AIM: To investigate the changes of ocular surface and tear film before and after double eyelid operation with incision method.
METHODS: Ocular surface disease index questionnaire survey, S I t, break-up time of tear film(BUT), corneal fluorescein staining, tear fern test(TFT)and conjunctive impression cytology were examined at 17 patients(34 eyes)to evaluate function of ocular surface and tear film before and after the double eyelid operation with incision method.
RESULTS: There was significant difference in ocular surface disease index questionnaire survey scores before and after surgery(P<0.001). The score increased within 2wk postoperatively. There was significant difference in corneal fluorescein staining scores before and after surgery(P=0.008). The corneal epithelial staining spots increased within one day postoperatively. There was significant difference in S I t result before and after surgery(P<0.001)and it increased within 2wk postoperatively. There was significant difference in conjunctive impression cytology before and after surgery(P<0.001). Conjunctival goblet cells reduced within 1d postoperatively. There was no significant difference statistically in BUT of tear film and TFT before and after surgery(P>0.05).
CONCLUSION:In the early stage after surgery, patients showed obvious discomfort and irritation symptoms, and the corneal and conjunctival epithelium was slightly damaged. With the reconstruction of the ocular surface microenvironment and removal of sutures, all test results recovered to the preoperative level.