白内障术后人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)的稳定性包括偏心、倾斜、旋转及手术前后前房深度的变化,其稳定性是影响术后视觉质量重要因素。对影响白内障术后IOL稳定性的相关因素进行分析有助于术者改进手术方式,提高手术质量,使患者获得更好的视觉效果。IOL的稳定性受多种因素的影响:患者内眼情况、术中撕囊的大小和对称性、IOL放置的位置、IOL的材料和设计等。因此,为了使患者看到更光明的世界,白内障手术的方式一直经历着不同的演变,IOL的材料也进行着不断地创新。
[Key word]
The stability of the intraocular lens(IOL)after cataract surgery is composed of decentration, tilt, rotation, and the change of anterior chamber depth. Its stability is an important factor affecting postoperative visual quality. By analyzing the related factors which influence the stability of intraocular lens, improvements can be identified for future cataract operations. The stability of intraocular lens is influenced by many factors: intraocular structure, the size and the symmetry of intraoperative capsulorhexis, the position of the intraocular lens, the material and design of the intraocular lens, etc. In order to improve the patient's vision, cataract surgeries have been experiencing an evolution. IOL material have also been contributing to such innovations.