目的:通过积极探索标准化患者(standardized patient,SP)教学法在神经眼科教学中的应用与研究,着力提升神经眼科医师临床诊疗思维层次和能力素质。
方法:以2014/2016年参加神经眼科临床专业学习培训的研究生或进修生为主要研究对象,随机抽样选取40名人员,按性别比例设置分配两组,分别采用传统教学法和SP教学法组织施教。课程结束后,采取科目考试、问卷调查、综合评定等方式,对评测教学内容、质量和效果的量化数据进行采集与汇总,并应用SPSS 20. 0系统进行综合分析,得出科学结论,形成研究报告。
结果:问卷调查显示,两个组分别对课堂教学内容的趣味性、知识理解掌握的透彻性、理论联系实际的有效性、临床诊断治疗的指导性,以及教师施教能力的满意度进行比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05); 对病例分析试题考试成绩进行比较,差异也有统计学意义(P<0.001)。
[Key word]
AIM:To enhance the doctors' ability of disease diagnosis and treatment by using standardized patients in neuro-ophthalmology teaching.
METHODS: Graduated students and visiting students accepting neuro-ophthalmology training courses in Department of Ophthalmology during 2014-2016 were enrolled as the research objects. Two groups were randomized allocated and 20 students each group. One group of students was applied standardized patients teaching method and the other group of students was applied traditional teaching method. A questionnaire and exam after the teaching were evaluated. The data were analyzed by SPSS 20.0.
RESULTS: The data of questionnaire included content interest improving, satisfaction for teaching, the key points understanding, theory with practice effective linking, future practice instruction. Comparison questionnaire data between two groups were of statistical significance(P<0.05). The test scores of case analysis of two groups were statistically significant also(P<0.001).
CONCLUSION: Standardized patients teaching method is helpful for students' training on the ability of clinical diagnosis and treatment.