生物力学是研究组织或器官的力量与功能之间关系的学科,对研究眼科疾病的预防、发生、发展、诊疗具有重要作用。眼球是一个封闭的近似球体的器官,眼球内外的每一组织都有一定张力,而且相互联系,互为影响。眼内外及球壁某一局部组织的改变,可能会影响眼球某一区域组织的生物力学或功能的改变。随着生物力学的方法增多,大家越来越重视对眼部组织生物力学的研究,达到预防和治疗眼部疾病的目的。如使用胶原交联增强角膜的强度,防治圆锥角膜或扩张性角膜疾病; 又如后巩膜加固术增强巩膜力学的方法来治疗或预防高度近视等。对眼外肌、角膜、巩膜、虹膜、晶状体的生物力学的研究是目前热点,本文就目前眼部生物力学的研究热点做一综述。
[Key word]
Biomechanics is the application of mechanics to biological systems. It helped to provide more understanding of normal tissue function, the effect of pathology, and the impact of treatment. The biomechanics research also is an important method to understand the prevention, onset and treatment of eye diseases. Eye ball is a closed globe which undergoes pressure from intraocular or extraocular. The pathology of eye will affect its biomechanics. Recent years, several methods about biomechanics were used to study eye diseases, such as corneal collagen crosslinking for treatment of keratoconus and corneal ectasia, posterior sclera reinforcement for treatment of pathological myopia, and so on. Here we reviewed the biomechanical research of extraocular muscle, cornea, sclera, iris and lens.
国家自然科学基金项目(No.81660169); 遵义市联合基金(No.fu120141260)