目的:探讨眼球后退综合征(duane retraction syndrome,DRS)的临床特征和手术疗效。
结果:选取的患者13例14眼中男11例,女2例,均无合并眼部及全身异常。左眼9例,右眼3例,双眼1例; Ⅰ型6例; Ⅱ型1例,Ⅲ型6例; 合并异常头位11例,合并眼球后退及急性上转、下转9例。手术方案根据不同的分型和临床表现进行设计,包括单纯内直肌后徙,单纯外直肌后徙、内外直肌同时后徙、外直肌后徙联合Y形劈开术。术后所有患者原在位斜视度≤±10△,4例异常头位消失,7例异常头位不同程度的改善。眼球后退和急速上转、下转有5例消失,4例明显改善。同时,眼球运动也不同程度的改善。
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AIM: To investigate the clinical characteristics and surgical effects in patients with Duane retraction syndrome(DRS).
METHODS: Totally 13 patients with DRS during June 2011 to December 2015 were analyzed retrospectively. The data including clinical types and manifestations, surgical methods and outcomes were reviewed and analyzed.
RESULTS: There were 11 male cases and 2 female cases who all had no ocular and systemic anomalies. The left eye was involved in 9 cases, the right eye was involved in 3 cases and 1 case involved in both eyes. Six cases were type Ⅰ,1 case was typeⅡand 6 cases were type Ⅲ. Eleven cases had abnormal head posture(AHP), 9 cases had the up- or down-shoot phenomenon. The surgical treatment was designed according to subtypes and clinical features which included medial rectus recession, lateral rectus recession, recession of both horizontal rectus muscles and lateral rectus recession combined with Y splitting. After surgery, horizontal deviation was less than ±10△ in all patients, and AHP disappeared in 4 cases and improved in 7 cases. The up- or down-shoot and global retraction disappeared in 5 cases and improved in 4 cases. Simultaneously, the restriction of ocular motility was improved in all patients.
CONCLUSION: The clinical features of DRS are variant in different types. Detailed examination before surgery and reasonable surgical design are important in treatment of patients with DRS.