白内障摘除及人工晶状体植入术后影响视力的主要原因之一是术后散光。术后散光是术前散光和手术源性散光(surgically induced astigmatism,SIA)的矢量和。手术源性散光是一个矢量,既有大小又有方向。对手术源性散光进行计算分析,是进行白内障、屈光手术之前的必要步骤。本文就手术源性散光的计算方法进行综述。
[Key word]
One of the main reasons affecting visual acuity after cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation is postoperative astigmatism. The postoperative astigmatism is the vectorial sum of preoperative and surgically induced astigmatism. The surgically induced astigmatism is a vector which includes size and direction. And the analysis of surgically induced astigmatism is the necessary step before cataract and refractive surgery. This paper has summarized the method of calculation of surgically induced astigmatism.