随着现代白内障摘除技术的进步和各种人工晶状体植入的需要,在各种前囊造口方式中,连续环形撕囊技术(continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis,CCC)以其撕囊口光滑、抗张力强、支撑囊袋完整和维持人工晶状体稳定性强等优势目前在临床上仍然占据着绝对主导的地位。本文概述了该项技术的历史演进过程,以及在特殊白内障手术中提高其成功率的辅助手段,同时浅谈和展望了飞秒激光在白内障连续环形撕囊技术中的应用前景。
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As the progress of modern techniques for cataract extraction surgery and various needs of intraocular lens(IOL)implantation, continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis(CCC)is still in absolute dominance among different ways of incision of anterior capsular lens in clinical practices, due to its advantages such as smoothness of capsulor opening, strong anti-tearing ability, integrity of supporting capsular bag, and strength at maintaining IOL stability. This article describes in general the historical development of CCC and complementary methods adapted to raise success rate when it is used in special cases of cataract extraction surgery. Meanwhile, the article also discusses briefly and envisions the prospects of femotsecond laser applied in CCC technique for cataract extraction.