方法:对重庆医科大学在职和退休教师1 241人进行眼科常规体检,包括裸眼及矫正视力、裂隙灯显微镜检查、小瞳下直接眼底镜检查及非接触性眼压、OCT等检测。将检查结果用统计软件SPSS 19.0进行分析,并与其他行业人群进行比较。
结果:在受检的1 241人中有1 119人(90.17%)患一种或一种以上眼病。眼部患病率最高的疾病依次为结膜炎615人(49.56%)、结膜结石434人(34.97%)、白内障及白内障摘除术后351人(28.28%)、眼底动脉硬化326人(26.27%)、屈光不正及屈光不正矫正术后330人(26.59%)、黄斑病变160人(12.89%)。
[Key word]
AIM: To evaluate ocular condition of college teachers, so that to discuss the importance of preventive health care and early treatment of ophthalmopathy.
METHODS: By reviewing the physical examination reports from 1 241 both serving and former college teachers in Chongqing Medical University, which including visual acuity, slit lamp examination, fundus examination, non-contact intraocular pressure and OCT. The results were analyzed by using statistical analysis software SPSS 19.0 and compared with the other occupational groups.
RESULTS: Totally 1119 cases(90.17%)in 1241 suffered from eye disease, including conjunctivitis(615 cases, 49.56%), conjunctival concretion(434 cases, 34.97%), cataract and post-cataract surgery(351 cases, 28.28%), fundus arteriosclerosis(326 cases, 26.27%), ametropia and post-refractive surgery(330 cases, 26.59%), maculopathy(160 cases, 12.89%).
CONCLUSION: High prevalence of eye diseases are observed in all age groups of college teachers, so that great importance should be attached to early detection and treatment.