方法:采用整群随机抽样法抽取锦州市30所幼儿园2 848名学龄前儿童,应用美国伟伦公司生产的SureSight视力筛查仪进行屈光检查,并向受检者家长发放问卷调查表进行相关因素的调查,对调查结果进行统计学分析。
结果:学龄前儿童2 848名参与调查,2 565人合格完成问卷调查表,完成率90.06%,整体屈光异常检出率为18.13%,屈光异常检出率四个年龄组分别为:11.84%,16.28%,20.72%,25.62%,趋势χ2检验(χ2=47.085,P<0.01),表明屈光异常检出率有随年龄增加而增高的趋势。屈光异常检出率男童21.83%、女童13.54%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=29.378,P<0.01)。经非条件Logistic回归分析,父、母文化程度、母亲生育年龄、早产、出生有窒息史、出生体质量、父亲屈光状态、近距离用眼时间、少吃蔬菜水果等因素的OR值分别为:2.638,2.380,2.316,5.891,9.675,3.146,2.079,1.241,6.731。
结论:随着年龄的增长,屈光异常检出率呈现增高趋势。男童的屈光异常检出率明显高于女童。父母低文化程度、高龄产妇、出生有窒息史、早产、体质量低于2 000g或高于4 000g、父亲屈光异常、长时间近距离用眼、少食蔬菜水果是屈光异常的危险因素。
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AIM: To study 3-6 years old children's refraction, providing information for prevention and treatment of the preschool children's ametropia.
METHODS: A sample of 2 848 children from 30 kindergartens were selected randomly. Refraction was performed using SureSight vision screening instrument, and to investigate the parents questionnaire survey of related factors. Date collection was analyzed statistically.
RESULTS:Totally 2848 preschool children were participated in the survey, 2 565 of them were qualified to complete the questionnaire, the completion rate was 90.06%. The overall refractive abnormality rate was 18.13%. The detection rate of abnormal refraction in four age groups was: 11.84%, 16.28%, 20.72%, 25.62%. χ2 test for trend(χ2=47.085, P<0.01)showed that the abnormal refraction detection rate increased with age trend. Refractive abnormality rate of 21.83% in boys, 13.54% in girls, the difference was statistically significant(χ2=29.378, P<0.01). The non-conditional Logistic regression analysis, parents' educational level, maternal age, premature birth, birth asphyxia, birth weight, father diopter, eye using time, eat fruits and vegetables and other factors of OR value was respectively: 2.638, 2.380, 2.316, 5.891, 9.675, 3.146, 2.079, 1.241, 6.731.
CONCLUSION: Along with the growth of the age, refraction anomaly detection rate increasing tendency. The boy's refractive abnormality rate was significantly higher than that of girls. Parents with low education level, maternal age, birth asphyxia, premature, weighing less than 2 000g or higher than 4 000g, father ametropia, long time with eyes close, eating less fruits and vegetables are the risk factors for ametropia.