脉络膜新生血管(choroid neovascularization,CNV)多见于年龄相关性黄斑变性、病理性近视黄斑变性和中心性渗出性脉络膜视网膜病变等眼底疾病,是导致其视力下降甚至丧失的主要原因。治疗上,激光光凝,经瞳孔温热疗法及光动力学疗法等已在我国广泛开展; 而抗新生血管形成和病变炎性反应过程的药物应用于临床也显著增多; 用基因疗法、靶向治疗CNV等新领域亦取得了成绩,现就近年来国内外关于CNV的治疗研究现状做一综述。
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Choroid neovascularization(CNV)is more common in age-related macular degeneration, pathological myopia macular degeneration and central exudative chorioretinopathy and so on, and it is the leading cause of vision loss and even lost. In the treatment, laser photocoagulation, transpupillary thermotherapy(TTT)and photodynamic therapy(PDT)have been widely carried out in our country; And resistance to new blood vessels formation and pathological process of inflammatory reaction of drugs used in clinic were also significantly increased. In recent years, the new methods such as gene therapy, targeted treatment of CNV also get achievements, now we summarize the research status at home and abroad about the treatment of CNV.