方法:对美国OHSU的Casey眼科研究所2000/2009年间1 000例流泪患者进行回顾性研究。其中206(20.6%)例患者通过裂隙灯检查被诊断为睑板腺炎,诊断标准包括:睑板腺功能障碍,睑缘炎,睑缘毛细血管扩张,浅层点状角膜病变。治疗包括保持眼睑清洁,使用人工泪液,睑缘按摩和热敷,全身口服抗生素和眼部抗生素点眼,皮质类固醇点眼,饮食中补充Omega-3 等治疗。
结果:所有患者中,206例(20.6%)患者被诊断为睑板腺炎(平均年龄65.8岁,平均流泪时间是2.78a)。其中196例(95%)是白人; 女性106例(51.5%),男性100例(48.5%)。平均随访5.07mo。通过治疗睑板腺炎,症状得到改善152例(73.79%)。症状未改善43例(20.87%)。在43例患者中14例(6.81%)患者未找到治疗失败的原因,29例(14.08%)患者不愿做长期治疗而导致治疗失败。失去随访11例(5.34%)。
结论:Casey眼科研究所流泪患者中20.6%患有睑板腺炎,通过治疗73.78%患者流泪症状改善。我们认为:流泪患者需注意其睑板腺情况,一旦诊断为睑板腺炎则应积极治疗; 其次通过各种手术治疗仍然流泪的患者,眼科医生需注意其睑板腺的情况。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the relationship between chronic epiphora and meibomianitis, and to explore the efficacy of the meibomianitis treatment to improve chronic tearing.
METHODS: One thousand chronic epiphora patients chart review in Casey eye institute during 2000-2009. Review of 206(20.6%)chronic epiphora patients who underwent slit lamp examination were diagnosed meibomianitis. Diagnostic criteria were meibomian gland dysfunction, blepharitis, lid margin telangiectasia and hyperaemia punctuate superficial keratopathy. Treatment included maintenance of lid hygene, use of artificial tears, systemic and topical antibiotics, warm and moist compresses, topical corticosteroid and diet supplementation with Omega-3 fatty acids.
RESULTS: Among all the patients, 206(20.6%)meibomianitis patients(average age 65.8 years, average tearing time 2.78 years). White patients 196(95%); female 106(51.5%), male 100(48.5%). Average follow up time was 5.07mo. 152(73.79%)of 206 meibomianitis patients with tearing got improved through treatments. 43(20.87%)patients were treated without improvement. The failure reasons cannot be found in 14(6.81%)of 43 patients. 29(14.08%)of 43 pateients with chronic epiphora do not want to treat for a long time, which cause the treatment failure. 11(5.34%)of 206 meibomianitis patients lost to follow up.
CONCLUSION: The patients who presented to our office for the tearing 20.6% had meibomianitis. Through treatment of meibomianitis, tearing improved 73.78%. So patients with meibomianitis should treat it actively. Some tearing patients after the surgery still tearing should pay attention to treat meibomianitis.