目的:本文对新疆医科大学 2011年 2 644名新生入学体检资料进行分析, 旨在了解新生入学时的健康状况, 为促进学校卫生保健工作提供科学依据。
方法:于 2011-09对新疆医科大学2011级所有入学新生共计2 644人进行体检。采用国家教委颁布的《大学生体育合格标准》的视力等级评定标准, 视力双眼不等者以视力较低者为准,凡裸眼远视力<5.0者即为视力低下。
结果:筛查2 644人中,视力不良共885人(33.5%)。男生1 041人中发现视力不良250人(24.0%); 女生1 603人中发现视力不良635人(39.6%)。
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AIM:To investigate the eyesight situation among 2644 freshmen of Xinjiang Medical University in 2011, and to offer the references for eyesight protection and scientific basis for promoting the school health care.
METHODS: The physical examination of a total of 2644 freshmen of grade 2011 of Xinjiang Medical University in September, 2011. Visual rating criteria by the State Education Commission promulgated the "Undergraduate PE Qualification Standard", the vision binocular unequal to vision whichever was lower, and the naked eye visual acuity of less than 5 was low vision.
RESULTS: Among 2644 freshmen, a total of 885 people(33.5%)with poor vision. Poor eyesight of 250 people(24%)were found in 1041 boys; poor eyesight of 635 people(39.6%)were found in 1603 girls.
CONCLUSION: In order to reduce the occurence of students' poor eyesight, enhancing physical exercise is very important.