目的:探讨眼前段光学相干断层扫描仪(Visante OCT)、裂隙灯型眼前段光学相干断层扫描仪(SL-OCT)、OrbscanⅡz角膜地形图/角膜测厚系统(OrbscanⅡz)和A型超声测量仪测量近视人群中央角膜厚度(central corneal thickness,CCT)的差异及相关性,以评价三种光学测量仪器在测量中央角膜厚度的准确性,为其临床应用提供依据。
方法:对近视患者43 例86眼分别用Visante OCT、SL-OCT、OrbscanⅡz和A型超声测量仪进行CCT的测量,并对四种仪器测量的CCT值采用单因素方差分析, LSD-t法两两比较,Pearson相关分析。
结果:Visante OCT、SL-OCT、OrbscanⅡz和A型超声测量仪测量CCT的平均值分别为(521.05±29.88)μm、(533.73±31.83)μm、(534.02±32.96)μm、(540.60±31.11)μm,95%可信区间分别为(514.57~527.54),(526.83~540.65),(533.85~547.35),(536.75~544.45)。Visante OCT 与SL-OCT(P=0.009)、A型超声测量仪(P<0.01)、OrbscanⅡz(P=0.008)的CCT测量值差异均有统计学意义。Visante OCT的CCT测量值分别低于SL-OCT的CCT测量值(12.69±9.32)μm,低于A型超声测量仪的CCT测量值(19.55±8.64)μm,低于OrbscanⅡz的CCT测量值(12.96±12.21)μm。SL-OCT与A型超声测量仪(P=0.158)、OrbscanⅡz(P=0.954)的CCT测量值差异均无统计学意义。OrbscanⅡz与A型超声测量仪的CCT测量值差异无统计学意义(P=0.176)。四种方法CCT测量值均呈正相关(P<0.01)。
[Key word]
AIM:To compare the difference and correlation of central corneal thickness(CCT)measured by Zeiss Visante Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography(Visante OCT), Heidelberg Slit-Lamp Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography(SL-OCT), OrbscanⅡz Computerized Topography(OrbscanⅡz )and A-mode ultrasound pachymetry.
METHODS:Forty-three patients with myopia(86 eyes)were included. Sequential measurements of CCT was performed by the same operator with two different anterior segment OCT devices(VisanteTM, Carl Zeiss, Meditec and Heidelberg EngineeringTM), OrbscanⅡz Computerized Topography(Bausch and Lomb IncTM)and A-mode ultrasound pachymetry. The consistency of measurements was statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA and LSD pair-wise comparisons. The differences were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficients.
RESULTS:The average CCT measured by Visante OCT, SL-OCT, OrbscanⅡz, and A-mode ultrasound pachymetry were(521.05±29.88)μm,(533.73±31.83)μm,(534.02±32.96)μm, and(540.60±31.11)μm, the 95% confidence interval were(514.57~527.54),(526.83~540.65),(533.85~547.35),(536.75~544.45). There was statistically significant difference of CCT between using of Visante OCT and SL-OCT(P=0.009). There was statistically significant difference of CCT using of Visante OCT and A-mode ultrasound pachymetry(P<0.01), OrbscanⅡz(P=0.008). The Visante OCT CCT measurements was significantly less than CCT with SL-OCT(12.69±9.32)μm. Compare with A-mode ultrasound pachymetry and OrbscanⅡz, the Visante OCT measurements significantly underestimated central corneal thickness by a mean of(19.55±8.64)μm and(12.96±12.21)μm. There was no significant difference of CCT between using of SL-OCT and A-mode ultrasound pachymetry(P=0.158), OrbscanⅡz(P=0.954). There was no significant difference of CCT between using of OrbscanⅡz and A-mode ultrasound pachymetry(P=0.176). There were positive correlationship among Visante OCT, SL-OCT, OrbscanⅡz, and A-mode ultrasound pachymetry in CCT measurement(P<0.01).
CONCLUSION:There are excellent correlationship among Visante OCT, SL-OCT,OrbscanⅡz, and A-mode ultrasound pachymetry in CCT measurement. The data shows that the CCT obtained by SL-OCT and OrbscanⅡz do not have significant difference as compared with that from the A-mode ultrasound pachymetry. Three optical measurement devices is more likely to be accepted by patients because of its non-contact, non-invasive, and short measurement time as compared with the A-mode ultrasound pachymetry.