目的:探讨角膜浅基质针刺(anterior stromal puncture,ASP)联合绷带式隐形眼镜针对角膜上皮反复糜烂治疗的有效性和安全性。
方法:复发性角膜上皮糜烂的门诊患者22例23眼,最初均采用保守药物治疗无效或反复后,采用角膜浅基质针刺联合配戴绷带式隐形眼镜治疗。治疗前所有患者均表现晨起或晚间异物感、流泪、眼睑痉挛、畏光,部分伴有轻度视力下降。表面麻醉后,在裂隙灯下,用4号半针头制成截囊针形状,尖端长0.3mm,垂直穿过疏松的上皮和前弹力层行角膜浅基质多点针刺,术毕配戴月抛式绷带式隐形眼镜。在治疗后3d; 1,2,4,8,12wk共6个时间点观察患者异物感、视力、畏光、上皮愈合情况及基质瘢痕情况。平均随访3mo。
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AIM: To assess the safety and efficacy of combination therapy using anterior stromal puncture(ASP)and bandage contact lens for recurrent epithelial defects.
METHODS: ASP was used as a treatment for 23 eyes of 22 outpatients with recurrent epithelial defects. At the mean time, they wore bandage contact lens and used eyedrops. All patients report foreign-body sensation, blepharospasm, tearing and photophobia in the morning or evening, some with visual impairment. ASP was performed on every patient with a self-made 41/2 needle under surface anesthesia. The patients worn contact lens after the surgery. We observed symptoms of foreign-body sensation, photophobia, vision,epithelial and stromal scar healing at 3d; 1,2,4,8,12wk. The average follow-up period was 3 months, range 4wk-10mo.
RESULTS: Twenty-two eyes became completely asymptomatic and 19 eyes(83%)were once cured.
CONCLUSION:ASP with bandage contact lens turns out to be an effective, convenient, economical and repeatable therapeutic option for patients with recurrent epithelial defects, which can control the severe foreign-body sensation quickly.