白内障术后更完美的视功能以及更少的并发症是我们追求的目标,飞秒激光在白内障领域的应用给白内障手术的进一步突破带来了新的机遇和挑战。飞秒激光辅助的白内障手术在飞秒激光系统下行晶状体前囊膜切开、晶状体核分割以及透明角膜切口。飞秒激光晶状体前囊膜切开的囊袋口的大小更精确、形状更圆、强度更大,可预测性、可重复性均更好,IOL植入的位置更佳; 激光核分割能有效地缩短超声乳化时间; 角膜切口的密闭性良好。但目前也存在一些并发症和相关问题,手术安全性和远期效果尚待更多研究。
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Perfect vision and fewer complications is our goal in cataract surgery, femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery hold the promise. Applications of femtosecond laser technology for capsulotomy, nuclear fragmentation and corneal incision in cataract surgery bring a new level of accuracy, reproducibility and predictability over the current cataract surgery. The femtosecond laser produces capsulotomies that are more precise, accurate, reproducible, and stronger than those created with the conventional manual technique, and further helps maintain proper positioning of the IOL. Femtosecond laser in nuclear fragmentation lead to a lower effective phacoemulsification time, and the corneal incision is more stable. But currently there are some complications and a clear learning curve associated with the use of femtosecond lasers for cataract surgery. The long-term safety and visual outcomes still need further investigation.