方法:以美国Doheny眼科中心(Doheny Eye Institute)的眼科住院医师培训模式为主,结合约翰霍普金斯的Wilmer 眼科中心(Wilmer Eye Institute)和Jules Stein眼科中心(Jules Stein Eye Institute)的培训特点,介绍美国顶尖眼科中心的住院医师培训过程,辅以对美国继续医学教育目的和要求的介绍 。
结果:美国有着完善和科学的临床医师培养体系,其中八年院校教育后的住院医师培训和继续医学教育(Continuing Medical Education, CME)尤为值得关注。
[Key word]
AIM: To find reference and inspiration for training ophthalmology residents in our country.
METHODS: This article focused on the ophthalmology residency training program in Doheny Eye Institute, combined with the experience of Wilmer Eye Institute and Jules Stein Eye Institute. The principle and purpose of continuing medical education in America was also introduced.
RESULTS: America has a scientific system for the training of clinical physicians, especially the residency training program and continuing medical education.
CONCLUSION: By learning the experience of America, we can find new ideas for improving medical care in our country.