结果:术后角膜上皮愈合延迟4眼(8.7%); 丝状角膜炎1眼(2.2%); 角膜感染2眼(4.3%); 角膜雾状混浊(haze)18眼(39.1%),平均0.81±0.48级; 术后激素性高眼压8眼(17.4%)。术后6mo屈光回退>-1.00DS者5眼(10.9%); 散光度增加>1.00DC者5眼(10.9%),矫正视力较术前下降1行者7眼(15.2%)。
[Key word]
AIM: To study the complications of laser epithelial keratomileusis(LASEK)for myopia and investigate the cause and preventive measures.
METHODS: LASEK was performed on 46 eyes of 25 patients with myopia. The follow-up time was 6 months and the complications were analyzed.
RESULTS: Different complications were found: delayed corneal epithelial wound healing in 4 eyes(8.7%); keratitis filamentosa in 1 eye(2.2%); corneal infection in 2 eyes(4.3%); haze in 18 eyes(39.1%); postoperative steroid intraocular hypertension in 8 eyes(17.4%); postoperative refractive regression greater than -1.00DS in 5 eyes(10.9%); increased astigmatism greater than 1.00DC in 5 eyes(10.9%); postoperative corrected visual acuity lost 1 line in 7 eyes(15.2%)compared with preoperative.
CONCLUSION: LASEK is an safe and effective method for correcting high myopia, but it still has some complications. Special attention should be paid to postoperative corneal epithelial delayed healing and serious corneal haze. With the improvement in postoperative follow-up and reasonable drug administration, these complications can be reduced.