方法:选择2011-01/2012-01于本中心诊断为双眼白内障患者45例90眼,分为多焦点组23例和单眼视组22例,分别植入AcrySof ReSTOR+3D多焦点IOL(SN6AD1,美国Alcon)和单焦点非球面AcrySof IQ(SN60WF)IOL。记录术后3mo时两组患者裸眼远、近、中距离视力,以及对比敏感度、立体视、视功能和生存质量调查问卷,评价患者主观的视觉功能和脱镜率。对计量资料中两组数据进行正态性检验分析,满足正态分布者行t检验,对计数资料行χ2检验。
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AIM: To compare visual function in patients with bilateral diffractive multifocal intraocular lenses(IOLs)and patients with monovision.
METHODS:This study comprised consecutive bilateral cataract patients 45 cases(90 eyes)between March 2011 and January 2012. All cases were divided into two groups: multifocal IOL group(23 patients)with implantation of AcrySof ReSTOR +3D(SN6AD1)multifocal IOLs, monovision group(22 patients)with implantation of AcrySof IQ(SN60WF)IOLs. Parameters analyzed 3 months postoperatively included binocular uncorrected distance, intermediate, and near visual acuities, stereo vision, photopic, mesopic contrast sensitivity function without glare; spectacle independence and subjective visual symptoms. The independent-samples t test was used to compare the measured data which met normal distribution. The Chi-square test was applied to compare categorical variables.
RESULTS: There were no significant differences between groups in bilateral uncorrected distance vision(t=2.001, P=0.052), intermediate(t=1.304, P=0.199)and near vision(t=1.642, P=0.108). Percentage of patients wearing spectacle for distance vision were less than 4% in all groups. On the questionnaire, patients in multifocal IOL group complained with double vision, trouble in night vision and halo.
CONCLUSION: Pseudophakic monovision and multifocal IOL achieved distance vision, intermediate vision and near vision.