方法:通过对在校青少年2 358名进行问卷调查,初中组1 768名,高中组590名,对主诉有症状的856例患者进行裂隙灯检查、泪膜破裂时间(BUT)测定、泪液分泌试验(SⅠt)及角结膜荧光素染色检查,统计干眼症的患病率,分析干眼症患者的相关因素。
结果:青少年2 358名中干眼症为157例,总患病率为6.66%,女性患病率8.08%(92/1 138),男性患病率5.33%(65/1 220),χ2=6.762,P<0.05,两者患病率有统计学差异,女性患病率高于男性; 其中初中组女生患病率7.64%(64/838),男生患病率5.48%(51/930),χ2=3.016,P>0.05,两者患病率无统计学差异; 高中组女生患病率9.33%(28/300),男生患病率4.83%(14/290),总患病率7.12%,χ2=3.872,P<0.05,两者患病率有统计学差异。初高中组男生患病率比较(χ2=0.081,P>0.05),无统计学差异; 初高中组女生患病率比较(χ2=0.064,P>0.05),无统计学差异。统计学分析显示在校青少年干眼症患病率主要与视屏幕、配戴角膜接触镜时间关系密切,其他为次要影响因素,且大部分受多因素同时存在的影响。
结论:广西横县地区在校青少年干眼症患病率为 6.66%。青少年干眼症患病率主要与视屏幕、配戴角膜接触镜时间长短密切相关、其次是和长时间近距离阅读、频繁使用滴眼液和全身性疾病史等有关。
[Key word]
AIM: To find out the rate of the case and the related factors of dry eyes on the in-school adolescent.
METHODS: Totally 2 358 in-school adolescents,(1 768 high school students and 590 junior students)were questionnaired, of whom 856 complained that symptoms existed with their eyes, then a series of examinations and tests such as Slit-lamp examination, tear film break-up time(BUT)measurement, and Schimier test of tear secretion conjunctival fluorescein examination were performed on the patient involved in the survey, the rate of suffering dry eyes and the factors that cause the disease were analyzed and found.
RESULTS: Of the 2 358 adolescents involved in the questionnaire, 157 suffered dry eye syndrome, which covered 6.66% of the total, female(8.08%)and male 5.33%(65), χ2=6.762, P<0.05. There were statistical differences between female and male. Study showed that females were more likely to suffer the disease than males, especially the junior girl students, accounted for 7.64%(64)while junior boy students only 5.48%(51), χ2=3.016, P > 0.05. As for the high school students, statistical differences between high school girls and boys also existed. The rate for girls was 8.08%(28)while boys is 4.82%(14). The total was 7.12%, χ 2 = 3.872, P<0.05. However, the comparison between junior boy students and high boy students is the same, χ 2 = 0.081, P>0.05. Neither was the comparison between junior girl students and high girl students. Statistics showed long contact with screens, wearing contact lenses too long were the main factors that lead to the dry eyes of the in-school adolescents. Apart from these, there were some other factors, such as long closely reading, using eye drops frequently and systemic diseases related to history etc.
CONCLUSION: The rate of the in-school adolescents suffering dry-eye syndrome is 6.66%.The main factors that cause the in-school adolescents suffer dry-eye syndrome are long contact with screens, wearing contact lenses too long, long closely reading, using eye drops frequently and systemic diseases related to history etc.