随着准分子激光屈光手术技术的成熟和手术设备的发展,手术的并发症逐渐减少,手术效果令大多数患者满意。但是越来越多的学者发现 , 角膜屈光手术由于改变了角膜的正常结构 , 对角膜的生物力学稳定性产生了较大的影响 , 有些甚至发生严重的并发症。其中医源性角膜扩张越来越受到手术医师的重视。现就角膜生物力学的特性、准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)术后角膜生物力学改变及影响其改变的多种因素进行分析并予综述。
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With the rapid advances in laser technology and surgical techniques, complicationsbecome less frequent. Patients are satisfied with visual outcomes. But a growing number of scholars have found that corneal refractive surgery greatly alters the structure of the corneal and corneal biomechanical properties. Even serious complications such as iatrogenic keratectasia may happen. That remains one of the refractive surgeon's greatest concerns. In this review, we describe the cornea material properties, summarize changes of corneal biomechanical properties after LASIK and review factors that may be related to vatiations in characterization of the biomechanical response of the cornea.