结果:透射电镜下白内障上皮细胞与正常组晶状体上皮细胞相比出现大量的异性核,染色质凝集,线粒体肿胀,减少,呈现空泡化; 白内障晶状体核区纤维细胞界限不明显,出现明显溶解、坏死改变。扫描电镜下白内障晶状体皮质纤维细胞失去光滑,晶状体核区纤维细胞表面因挤压而变形,细胞间的连接出现变化。
[Key word]
AIM: To observe the ultrastructural changes of the lens in the human age-related cataract.
METHODS: The normal lens(3 cases), the lens epithelial cells(LECs)and nuclear of age-related cataract(5 cases)were observed by Philips-208 type transmission electron microscopy(TEM)and JSM-6380LV type scanning electron microscopy(SEM).
RESULTS: TEM: Compared with the normal lens, in 5 cases of age-related cataract, LECs of anterior capsular had a large number of irregular shape nuclear, chromatin condensation, mitochondria and other organelles in cytoplasm swelled. In some fiber cells of the cataract lens, the cell boundary was not so obvious with dissolution and necrosis. SEM: Cataract cortex lost the smoothness, fiber cells of the nucleus surface were deformation and compression, connection between the fiber cell changes.
CONCLUSION: The pathologic ultrastructural changes of the epithelial cells and fiber cells of the cortex and nucleus in lens may play a critical role in the pathogenesis of age-related cataract.
国家自然科学基金课题(No.81070715); 中国卫生部科研基金课题(No.WKJ2008-2-61); 福建省创新平台基金课题(No.2010Y2003)