目的:研究眼高阶像差的分布(HOAs)和mesopic瞳孔的大小在个体中筛选的屈光手术。 方法:我们采用Zywave像差分析仪(博士伦)分别对患有近视、近视散光和复性近视散光患者1240例2458眼和患有远视、远视散光和复性远视散光患者110例215眼的高阶像差和瞳孔大小进行检测。所有患者屈光不正均可矫正,无屈光手术史或潜在疾病。HOAs的均方根值、总球面像差、总斜射球面像差和中间视觉状态下瞳孔的大小进行了分析,眼高阶像差测量均在瞳孔≥6.0mm,且瞳孔大小的测量均为在中间视觉状态下进行。 结果:HOAs均方根值、总球面像差和总斜射球面像差在近视眼组与远视眼组分别为0.369±0.233μm、0.133±0.112μm、0.330±0.188μm;0.418±0.214μm、0.202±0.209μm、0.343±0201μm。与近视患者相比,远视患者的总HOAs和总球面像差更大(P均<0.01)。年龄匹配分析显示在远视眼组只有总球面像差较高(P=0.05)。近视眼组的中间视觉状态下瞳孔大小较大(P≤0.05)。 结论:实验结果表明两组的HOAs的水平有显著差异,这对于将行屈光手术的伊朗人很重要。远视眼组的总球面像差显著高于近视眼组,中间视觉状态下瞳孔大小在近视眼组较大。
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AIM: To study the distribution of ocular higher-order aberrations(HOAs) and mesopic pupil size in individuals screened for refractive surgery. METHODS: Ocular HOAs and mesopic pupil size were studied in 2458 eyes of 1240 patients with myopia, myopic astigmatism and compound myopic astigmatism and 215 eyes of 110 patients with hyperopia, hyperopic astigmatism and compound hyperopic astigmatism using the Zywave aberrometer (Busch& Lomb). All patients had correctable refractive errors without a history of refractive surgery or underlying diseases. Root-mean-square values of HOAs, total spherical aberration, total coma and mesopic pupil size were analyzed. Ocular HOAs were measured across a ≥6.0mm pupil, and pupil size measurements were performed under the mesopic condition. RESULTS: The mean values of HOAs, total spherical aberration and total coma in the myopic group were 0369±0.233μm, 0.133±0.112μm and 0.330±0.188μm, respectively. In the hyperopic group the mean values of HOAs, total spherical aberration and total coma were 0418±0.214μm, 0.202±0.209μm and 0.343±0.201μm, respectively. Hyperopes showed greater total HOAs (P<001) and total spherical aberration (P<0.01) compared to myopes. In age-matched analysis, only the amount of total spherical aberration was higher in the hyperopic group (P=0.05). Mesopic pupil size in the myopic group was larger (P≤0.05). CONCLUSION: The results suggested that significant levels of HOAs were found in both groups which are important for planning refractive surgeries on Iranians. There were significantly higher levels of total spherical aberration in hyperopes compared to myopes. Mesopic pupil size was larger in myopic group.