目的:比较不同注视性质非接触式眼压计(NCT)和Goldmann眼压计(GAT)测量眼压结果的差异,以评价NCT对偏心注视患者眼压测量结果的准确性。 方法:用NCT和GAT分别测量54例108眼中心注视患者及49例61眼偏心注视患者的眼压,并将各测量结果进行统计学处理。 结果:中心注视组54例108眼GAT测量平均为21.30mmHg,NCT测量平均为21.21mmHg,经统计学处理差异无显著性;偏心注视49例61眼GAT测量平均为21.10mmHg,NCT测量平均为25.33mmHg,经统计学处理,差异具有显著性(P<0.05),两种眼压计的差值与GAT测量值成正相关,相关系数是0.792。 结论:NCT的测量值高估了偏心注视患者的眼压,检查注视性质有助于正确的评估NCT所测得的眼压结果,临床工作中建议使用GAT对偏心注视患者的NCT眼压值进行矫正。
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AIM: To compare the differences between non-contact tonometer (NCT) and Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) in the measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP) with different fixation to evaluate the accuracy of NCT on patients with eccentric fixation. METHODS: The IOP of 54 cases (108 eyes)with centric fixation and 49 cases (61 eyes) with eccentric fixation was measured with both NCT and GAT separately. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between IOP measured by NCT (21.21mmHg) and GAT (21.30mmHg) in the centric fixation group. In the eccentric fixation group, IOP measured by NCT (25.33mmHg) was higher than that measured by GAT (21.10mmHg), the difference between the two types of tonometer was positively related to the IOP measured by GAT, the correlated coefficient was 0.792 (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: The NCT overestimated the IOP of patients with eccentric fixation. Examining the fixation nature is helpful to appropriately evaluate IOP measured by NCT, GAT is applied to correct the IOP measured by NCT with eccentric fixation in the clinical work.