目的:观察急性闭角型青光眼患者激光虹膜周边切除术前后的眼压及眼脉动幅度(ocular pulse amplitude,OPA)变化特征。方法:选取急性闭角型青光眼患者19例19眼,给予10g/L毛果芸香碱点眼,每5min1次,共4次,30min后瞳孔缩小后接受激光虹膜周边切除术治疗,术后给予0.25g/L地塞米松点眼3d。用动态轮廓眼压计测量患者用药前、用药30min后、激光治疗后30min及1wk眼压、OPA变化。结果:患者用药前后及激光治疗后30min和1wk的眼压分别为17.61±4.23,17.35±3.52,19.33±4.24,16.08±2·13mmHg;OPA分别为2.69±0.89,2.72±0.93,3.03±0.89,2.51±0.69mmHg。患者用药前后及激光治疗后1wk的眼压及OPA配对t检验均无显著性统计学差异(P>0.05)。患者激光治疗前及治疗后30min的眼压及眼脉动幅度显著性升高(P<0.05)。患者的眼压与OPA呈正相关,并有统计学差异(r=0.661,r=0.704,r=0.814,r=0·744,P<0.05)。结论:急性闭角型青光眼患者行激光虹膜周边切除术后短期内有眼压及眼脉动幅度显著性升高,但1wk后眼压及眼脉动幅度无明显变化。
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AIM:To study the variations of the intraocular pressure (IOP) and the ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) in the acute angle-closure glaucoma after laser peripheraliridectomy. METHODS: Totally 19 patients (19 eyes) were taken into the study. They were measured by the dynamic contour tonometry (DCT) before and 30 minutes after instillating 10g/L pilocarpine, 30 minutes and 1 week after the laser peripheraliridectomy. RESULTS: The mean IOP was 17.61±4.23mmHg, 17.35±3.52mmHg before and 30 minutes and 1 week after the 10g/L pilocarpine instillation, and 19.33±4.24mmHg, 16.08±2.13mmHg 30 minutes and 1 week after the laser peripher- aliridectomy. The mean OPA was 2.69±0.89mmHg, 2.72±0.93mmHg,3.03±0.89mmHg,2.51±0.69mmHg before and 30minuts after the pilocarpine instillation, 30 minutes and 1 week after the laser peripheraliridectomy.The IOP and OPA significantly increased 30 minutes after the laser peripheraliridectomy(P<0.05).The OPA was positive correlated with the IOP. CONCLUSION: The IOP and OPA will significantly increase 30minuts after the laser peripheraliridectomy in acute angle-closure glaucoma. The OPA is positive correlated with the IOP.