目的:分析视网膜分支静脉阻塞(branch retinal vein occlu-sion,BRVO)的荧光素眼底血管造影特征,探讨视网膜分支静脉阻塞进一步分型的必要性。方法:回顾荧光素眼底血管造影检查1450例BRVO患者,依荧光眼底像确定患者阻塞点位于动静脉交叉处2~3级以上者56例56眼,对其视网膜无灌注区大小,新生血管等情况进行观察。结果:患者56例56眼,占BRVO患者总眼数的3.9%,其中视网膜2级动静脉交叉阻塞者29眼,3级动静脉交叉阻塞者18眼,3级以上动静脉交叉阻塞者9眼。荧光视网膜像显示56眼中42眼存在阻塞所属区域小片无灌注区低荧光,16眼有新生血管性高荧光,未见玻璃体积血,增生性视网膜病变及牵拉性视网膜脱离等并发症发生。结论:临床视网膜动静脉交叉处2~3级以上BRVO者有别于常见的BRVO,其视网膜损害范围轻,出血范围小,程度轻,且无灌注区面积小,发生新生血管密度低,此类患者有必要单独列出,BRVO值得进一步分型,以促进临床的诊治。
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AIM:To investigate the necessity of classification of the branch retinal vein occlusion(BRVO) based on features of fundus fluorescein angiography(FFA).METHODS:A toal of 1450 cases with BRVO was studied,56 cases 56 eyes with retinal vein occlusion point was at the intersection which focused on the inferior retina vein according to FFA images,We classified these affected eye as a special type of BRVO.The morphological characteristics of non-perfusion areas,neovascularization and the size of hemorrhage were observed and analyzed.RESULTS:The data showed that 56 eyes accounting for 3.9% of the total number of eyes,in which retinal arteriovenous cross and intersection at two level in retinal vein 29 eyes,at three level in retinal intersection 18 eyes,above three level in retinal intersection 9 eyes.42 cases of FFA showed that there was a small zone of low fluorescence without perfusion,16 cases had neovascularization and hyperfluorescence,and no vitreous hemorrhage,proliferative retinopathy and traction retinal detachment and other complications.CONCLUSION:The affected occlusion point which focused on the inferior retina intersection determined by FFA is not similar to that of patient with BRVO.It has the characteristics of slight retinal damage,small bleeding areas,and small area with nonperfusion and low neovascularazitions on FFA.The further classification may be helpful for the clinical diagnosis and therapty of BRVO.