目的:探讨丝裂霉素C(mitomycin C,MMC)在准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laserin situkeratomileusis,LASIK)术后角膜上皮植入手术治疗中应用的临床疗效。方法:在31例31眼LASIK术后角膜上皮植入患者手术治疗中应用0.2g/L MMC,观察术后裸眼视力及角膜瓣愈合情况。结果:术后6mo裸眼视力平均为0.82±0.19,较术前明显提高(P<0.05)。绝大部分患者角膜瓣愈合良好,4例患者角膜瓣边缘部分融解,但中心视力无明显影响。结论:在LASIK术后角膜上皮植入手术治疗中应用0.2g/LMMC可以取得良好的临床疗效。
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·AIM:To observe the clinical effect of using mitomycin C(MMC)during surgical treatment of epithelial ingrowth after laser in situ keratomileusis(LASIK).·METHODS:MMC 0.2g/L was applied in surgical treatment of epithelial ingrowth after LASIK on 31 patients(31 eyes).The uncorrected visual acuity and the recovery of corneal flap were observed after surgery.·RESULTS:The uncorrected visual acuity increased after surgery(P<0.05)and was 0.82±0.19 6 months posto-peratively.Majority of corneal flaps recovered well.Fringe of the flap melted in 4 eyes,but central visual acuity had no effect.·CONCLUSION:Excellent outcome was found in the surgical treatment of epithelial ingrowth after LASIK by using 0.2g/L MMC.·