目的:探讨准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laserin situ keratomileusis,LASIK)后近视患者调节性集合与调节比率(accommodative convergence per unit of accommodation,AC/A)变化。方法:Von Graefe法测定患者近距水平隐斜,给予+1.00D近附加后再次测量,结果之差为梯度性AC/A比率,测量患者LASIK手术前、手术后1wk;1,3,6mo的AC/A比率,结果进行统计学分析。结果:术前戴镜AC/A比率为(2.98±0.80)△/D,手术后1wk;1,3,6mo的AC/A比率分别为(2.02±0.57)△/D,(2.43±0.63)△/D,(2.87±0.65)△/D,(2.91±0.68)△/D,手术后1wk;1mo时AC/A比率较手术前显著降低(P<0.01)。手术后3,6mo AC/A比率较手术前无差异。结论:LASIK术后1wk;1mo,AC/A比率较术前降低,术后3mo升至术前水平并稳定。
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AIM:To analyze the effect of laser in situ keratomileusis(LASIK)on the accommodative convergence per unit of accommodation(AC/A)ratio in myopic patients.·METHODS:This clinical trial consisted of 40 myopic patients who had bilateral LASIK.The AC/A ratio was measured in the phoroptor with glasses before surgery and 1 week,1 month,3 and 6 months after surgery without glasses.·RESULTS:The average AC/A ratio was(2.98±0.80)△/D with glasses before LASIK,it reduced to(2.02±0.57)△/D,(2.43±0.63)△/D 1 week,1 month after LASIK respectively.There was significant decrease in the AC/A ratio 1 week and 1 month after LASIK(P<0.01).The AC/A ratio recovered to near preoperative values at 3 and 6 months after LASIK,they were(2.87±0.65)△/D,(2.91±0.68)△/D.·CONCLUSION:The AC/A ratio decreases 1 week,1 month after LASIK,it recovers to preoperative value at 3 months after LASIK and keeps stable.·