目的:观察高糖条件下VEGF mRNA,EPO mRNA和EPORmRNA在体外培养的Mller细胞中的表达情况。方法:胰蛋白酶将新生小鼠视网膜组织吹打消化后,制成单细胞悬液,体外培养Mller细胞,RT-PCR测定高糖条件下视网膜Mller细胞VEGF,EPO和EPOR基因的表达。结果:成功获得视网膜Mller细胞,传代后90%以上的细胞呈兔抗鼠谷氨酰胺合酶(GS)染色阳性。Mller细胞VEGF mRNA,EPO mRNA和EPOR mRNA在高糖条件下表达升高,且呈浓度依赖性(P<0.05),但糖浓度50mmol/L组较40mmol/L组差异无统计学意义,无明显时间依赖性。结论:Mller细胞在高糖条件下VEGF,EPO,EPOR的表达增加。
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·AIM:To observe the expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF),erythropoietin(EPO),erythropoietin receptor(EPOR)mRNA in different levels of glucose in the retinal Müller cells of mice in vitro.·METHODS:Müller cells of new-born mice were cultured with enzyme digestion.Müller cells were separated and purified by blowing and striking method.The expressions of VEGF mRNA,EPO mRNA,and EPOR mRNA were detected by RT-PCR.·RESULTS:Retinal Müller cells were cultured successfully,90% of which were positively stained by glutamine synthetase(GS).The expressions of VEGF mRNA,EPO mRNA and EPOR mRNA in retinal Müller cells were significantly enhanced in the high glucose group which increased obviously(P<0.05),but the difference between 50mmol/L group and the 40mmol/L group did not have statistical significance or time dependence.·CONCLUSION:With glucose concentration elevating,VEGF,EPO,EPOR expression of cultured retinal Müller cells increased.·